Joined: 2009-12-14
Points: 13
Hello, fellow RE-I's.
Orange County, Southern-California
About Me:
I'm a student of Dean's teachings & I've been studying all of Dean's books that he has to offer! I live in Brea-City Orange-County Southern-California & I'm starting to do my Investing here with other Investors. I'm just over-all keeping myself going in my property-investing-career & I'm always motivated in looking to meet other like-minded Investors in Orange-County. I'm looking to Attend a Property-Investors-Club very near my area to.
I Eat, Sleep, &Breath Property-Investing & I'm Very-Very-Excited in going after Better-than-Great Property-Deal$, & Excited to Build Great-FriendShips with Like-Minded-Investors in Orange-County> Southern California & making it a Win Win Situation for Me & for The Investors!! Also I would like to Show The Sellers that there are Investors that are very helpful for their Selling Situation'$:)!! Also I like: RUGBY, POLO, OFF ROAD RACING, FAST CARS, ATV'S, RACING FAST JET BOATS, JET SKIES, BODY BOARDING,