Hi! I am a young entrepreneur that has a big dream and a clear plan on how to get there. Very systematic and analytical, I often see things in a very different light than most people. I am the most committed and hard working individual that you will ever meet.
While growing up in North Dallas, I lost my father at a young age, this experience engendered a fiery passion to become successful. To me, business is not a hobby, it's not a game, it's a responsibility. Growing up as a kid I had the intention of graduating college and becoming a scientist, as a result the popular NASA phrase "Failure is not an option," became a part of my DNA.
This commitment to excellence is simply my common nature. I am so humbled that now, because of Dean Graziosi's amazing training as well as the influence of positive partners in my surrounding area, I have the opportunity to do the things I've always wanted to do. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you at the top and not from the top!