Joined: 2011-09-03
Points: 58

Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #153 - When Negativity Becomes Destructive | dgadmin | 200 | 12 years 10 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #151 - Why My Weaknesses Are An Asset | dgadmin | 121 | 12 years 44 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #157 - Being A Part vs. Being Apart | dgadmin | 147 | 13 years 11 weeks ago |
THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING... Over 100 wholesale deals and counting! | Carol Stinson | 46 | 13 years 14 weeks ago |
My Progress Report | Akil.Bey | 3 | 13 years 21 weeks ago |
Your so right Dean without action no plan can work. If a person has organizational good,still it doesn't hurt to revisit the point. Thanks Dean
Dean THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU and yes your son looks real cute too.
Dear Dean, I have never been at a loss for being comfortable in conversation for my employers But,to take that step to speak and nogiate for my profit, has me a bit nervous. Clearly it is something I must overcome,like tommorrow dispite this, I will not quit I know I am on the right track and though my start is delayed I WILL DO THIS AND AS TIME PROGRESSES I WILL DO IT BETTER. THANKS AGAIN DEAN THESE WKLY WORDS OF WISDOM REALLY DO HELP.
Dean Your advice was spot on clearly. What we do is to provide a service that can releive people from a negative situation or open them up to a more positive situation. In achieving that we gain profit. Its People helping peopling. Thanks again Dean for caring.
Dean,Dean, What can I say. You are a man of your word,congradulations for John B. I don't have a deal yet but, I will. Best wishes to everyone. This is doable and I will get it done.This has been a life long dream of mine,I have no dought it will come true.
Dean, Thankyou so much for taking the time to do these wkly blogs and sharing your struggles as well. Your topic today hit home deeply. Truly I need to break something,I need to reasse how I deal with my Family, whom I Love Dearly. I know once I put in a bigger Time investment I will yeild a better result with my real estate investment. The thing is no one wants me to take time from the things they want me to do and work is a whole other time deal. But, suceed at this I must,because I am truly down and nowhere to go but,up. So dispite the nightmare weekend I had I am totally moving forward in real estate.
Thanks Dean so very much Sincerely ADRCUSS
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weekly wisdom is what we need to help keep US motivated and everything helps. However when your down you have nowhere to go but up.Thanks any way Dean. IM AM RECOVERING FROM POWEROUTAGE AND I AM MOTIVATED. SO FORWARD I GO.