
All About Aa_LA

Aa_LA's picture
About Me: 

Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie in LA area hoping to change my life around. I saw Dean's infomercial at a point where I felt helpless, completely stuck and frustrated. My job situation is not ideal and the place I'm living in is infested with cockroaches. How I came about turning on my TV was because I was awaken by the noise of roaches in my own bedroom. Felt depressed, I turned on the TV without really paying much attention to it. But there he was, Dean talking about changing lives around. At that point on, I felt motivated by Dean's and other success stories. I'm grateful to have found something that seems genuine and real. I'm still reading the books but I'm already feeling so very positive about this. I had also enrolled myself in the Success Academy! Ironically, should I thank the roaches? Sticking out tongue Feel free to say Hi:)

Tennis, Photography, Cars

Topics I've Participated In

Val's Journal Valuni3789 years 30 weeks ago
Control the Property and Negotiate EVERYTHING Anitarny4612 years 15 weeks ago
Co-Wholesaling works! $5K for bringing in a buyer and being a liason Zion Properties5513 years 15 weeks ago
SoCal / OC DGers - Let's talk/meet ockevin1013 years 23 weeks ago
AA's Journal Aa_LA2213 years 27 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Aa_LA's picture

Thanks Keith!! You are the first person to write on my guest book lol! I was wondering when I would get the first one. haha. Thanks for your encouragement. That's so nice of you.

Hi Aaron!

Valuni's picture

I guess Keith beat me to be the first one signing in your guestbook!
sorry about the roaches-want me to send you some motels for them? Eye-wink

You will find lots of great information on this site and advice from some very knowledgeable investors!

wishing you great success on your rei journey,


Welcome to the DG Family Aaron

Zion Properties's picture

Thank God for the roaches! Sticking out tongue Keep at it and never give up and you are sure to succeed! If you can put up with living with roaches, you can make it in RE!

PS Give the roaches to your landlord when you move out! Laughing out loud

Welcome aboard

matlock31's picture

If you only knew what could be in the cards for you. I tell you what! Read and re-read the books, and ask yourself what did they mean by that until you get the message. (Hint) go out there and get in motion doing something to promote your business and let the world know your in business. I think it's going to be a great experience learning from a coach who will walk you thru each Phase of how to buy and sell realestate. I wise you well.