Welcome to the DG Family!
I see that you have been a member since July '08, but you haven't participated.
I am guessing you are either a skeptic or a procrastinator.
Well, guess what, I am both! I want to tell you though, without the help and support of the DG Family, I would never have come as far as I have.
I have only been a member for about a month and I am now on my way to my first deal!
This site/family has given me the confidence and knowlege to be well on my way to financial freedom through REI!
I hope you take advantage of what you have before you. You have come to a place of real people who were in the same place as we are, and have made it.
You can too!!!
Trust in your new family and let them help you in succeeding in REI!
I wish you much success!
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Hello Miguel
Welcome to the DG Family!
I see that you have been a member since July '08, but you haven't participated.
I am guessing you are either a skeptic or a procrastinator.
Well, guess what, I am both! I want to tell you though, without the help and support of the DG Family, I would never have come as far as I have.
I have only been a member for about a month and I am now on my way to my first deal!
This site/family has given me the confidence and knowlege to be well on my way to financial freedom through REI!
I hope you take advantage of what you have before you. You have come to a place of real people who were in the same place as we are, and have made it.
You can too!!!
Trust in your new family and let them help you in succeeding in REI!
I wish you much success!