
All About slimbartlett

Bryce or Janice Bartlett
Nada, Texas 77460
About Me: 

I'm retired from SBC (now AT&T) 64 yrs young 6ft 8in tall 280 lbs and been working all my life. Married to Janice who is 5ft 6in tall and 50 yrs old, We have 3 daughters living at home, two of which are in high school, (one graduated may 29th) Jan is still working for a doctor as an office manager and has been for 26+yrs. She drives 98 miles one way everyday (5days a week). We have 7 German shepherd dogs, so there isn't too much quiet time around here. I'm tired of retirement and don't handle sitting around doing nothing too well. We live in a SMALL (less than 30 people)community call Nada, Texas that is 100 miles southwest of Houston, Texas, we own our own home (well, us and the bank).

Family, our dogs, hunting, conservation, horses, good music(open to interpretation) good jokes and people.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 25 weeks ago
How can someone invest in real estate with poor credit, and no job? NinaNani23016 years 35 weeks ago

Basic Info

Bryce: retired and wishing he wasn't, Janice: office manager for a doctor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


new at this

Just got this far, so have not visited too much, and am still looking, so far so good, interesting posts. I'm just starting out so am doing research on this subject,so far, have already seen the answer to a few of my questions on posts I read yesterday, but will probably have plenty of questions for someone later.

Hi Slim.

Rina's picture


We're looking forward to hearing more from you.


still new at this

So much information and so little room in my head!!!! Great posts everywhere, now if I can just assimillate them, and keep it all together!!!
Thanks to everybody,

Welcom Slim!

Elena M's picture

Glad to have you here at the DG family website. Now don't get overwhelmed, it is a lot of info, but just take it one step at a time and you'll be fine. We're all here for you!
God Bless,
Elena Laughing out loud