
All About deangraziosi

deangraziosi's picture
Dean Graziosi
Phoenix, AZ
About Me: 

Since 1999, through his seminars, workshops, and television appearances, Dean Graziosi has touched the lives of countless of people all over the country. Now he has incorporated all his proven techniques for total fulfillment into a book that is both easy to read and easy to use. Using clear language and vivid examples, Dean Graziosi shows how personal, financial, professional, and relationship success cannot be separated. Rather, they are one and the same, and are actually easy to achieve.

Real Estate Investing, Writing, Education

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1926 years 49 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 42 weeks ago
Give me your story deangraziosi369 years 12 weeks ago
Who else is going to the Edge! CaliTony659 years 44 weeks ago
Give me your story deangraziosi429 years 47 weeks ago

Basic Info

Author / Real Estate Investor

Sites I Visit


I attended the the workshop

I attended the the workshop and I loved it. I learned a lot in the 3 days. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Gary Sunkett

hey dean!

bandit1's picture

just a question i use to watch your "deal of the month" videos and im just wondering what ever happend to them i hadnt seen them for quiet awhile!

Workshop in Pleasanton

I went to the Insider Event seminar at the Walnut Creek Marriot and have a certificate for the workshop in Pleasanton for the 15,16 and 17th of April at the Four Points by Sheraton but I couldn't find the information on who to contact to make sure we would have a place. I called the Sheraton but the person who answered was not the correct contact. Now to whom do I need to contact, regarding two places at this workshop?

I need help on a serious deal

victoriataylor's picture

I would love to talk to you about this deal of a lifetime... The house which is new, has a current appraisal of 1.2 million, and I can buy it for 700,000. My credit needs a hundred points on it before I can get this financed. There is more to this story... if you are interested. I would love to hear from you.

Co Broker Deals

Hello Dean you were in my City Hamilton Ontario Canada I missed you this time.
I am interested in working with interested people who would find investors to buy properties. I would find the properties in the USA and forward the info on the investment.
Upon completion of the sale I would receive 25% of the profit for my efforts.This would help by eliminating the task of finding properties.
Let me know.

Hi, I already sent my

I already sent my information online that Im interested to learn more about the Success Academy but that was more than a week now nobody has called me yet. Nevertheless I called this morning but I was told to wait again for the call because The one that was assigned to me went out.
How long does it take to get information about the Academy?
Thanks for additional information that you can provide deeply appreciated.

Thank You

Jonlubin's picture


I wanted to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to get out and do what I love so much. I have always wanted to be in REI and when I saw your commercial...I took a leap of faith. I have been doing this for a little over a Month and have one accepted REO offer and have found a GREAT buyer who is wanting me to find properties for his sister. I hope to make your program proud and I am working as hard as I can to get this going.

I lost my job on March 8th and have been looking very hard to gain employment...I could be "down in the dumps", but I am working hard to be successful and am doing some "services" for other investors (Rehab Management, Property Management, Rehab Evaluations etc...) to make it until I really take off. I really wanted to be in the Success Academy, but I have 3 children and I just couldn't afford it right now. So, Like you say, I just need to go out and do it! The job, of course, is first...but you can't follow a dream if you don't give it all you have.

Again, thank you so much for being here for all of us, you have given so much to this great Family...I hope that my success (I KNOW it will happen!Smiling) gives back to you some day as a great testimonial.

I will make your program proud...and thanks so much for giving it to us.


Jon A. Lubin
Investment Properties Group L.L.C.
Birmingham, Al.

Big opportunity But need HELP


I live in Marshall CO. Al. Just hit
with one of the largest tornados in Al. history. THe market is already down here but now all these homes that are damaged. What is the systems that I need to be looking at.

Greg GOre


I would like to know why there is not an option to receive your training when it is desired and because the person is unemployed with no money to pay the fees up front?
Is there any possible way for a person to get started in your program even if the fees are paid from their first one or two transactions? Think about this for me please.

my house is now in the foreclosure process

I have a home which was bought in 2005 when the market was at it's high point, and I owe more on the house than it is worth. Due to lack of equity and funds, I have been unable to refinance. I have basically run myself into the ground trying to hold on and not fall behind. I made the mistake of trying to do a loan mod with a so called "real estate law group", and I got ripped off for a couple of thousand dollars and no loan mod. Because of this and other hardships I've been juggling I am in default, and I'm afraid I'm running out of time. I saw a webinar earlier today by attourney x phil diamond I believe is his name. He's selling a book for $397 giving you the step by step on how to get your own loan mod done. I was wondering if your team or resources would be able to help me out and save me the money since I'm already a member of your success academy. I haven't been able to do my first deal yet, and being side-tracked by this current burden amongst others has been a factor in that. I know you must be bombarded with questions, but I would be more than grateful if you could help.
Jason aka Mrmallet

Success Academy

dgadmin2's picture


Unfortunately,we do not have a payment plan where you can pay after the training. However, we do have mutliple finance or pay as you go plans. To find out more information please contact our coaching customer service at 888-286-7712 ext 525.

Thank you,


I was surprised to see you online so late. It's 6:50am in London, so it must be around 11pm in mid US?

Well, I came across some of your associates through your website and will be working with them in the near future. I am like Carol Stinson, where I will be doing all my deals at the comfort of my home without physically touching or seeing the property in real time.

All I have is my two lap tops, headphones, mobile phone, printer/fax machine and the constant use of the skype system. But you would think once talking to me that I am in Scottsdale AZ.

I'll be coming to the Edge 2012. But, intend to come to US way before that to see all the places I've been reading and researching extensivley on. That's right, I'm taking action.

We'll talk sometime soon.

Take care,

Mark Nicholson
Property Investor

It's an honor!

Mathedragon's picture

Hi mr.graziosi it's really rare to see you on here i just want to thank you for everything your doing for all the people that you are helping and the ones that are trying believe me its' an adventure.keep up the good work your a great guy i think so and i just wanted to say i hope to see you one day when i'm actually up and started.i'll admit i am a little stuff though.But i have faith in myself.

Hi Dean

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for all that you do for us. We are looking forward to the time we get get to meet with you for a few days.

Steve and Veronica.

need encouragement or something

Hi Dean. I have never seen you logged on while I was logged on before. i have been following for about two years now. I joined the success academy Tom Flood was my coach, I think he called me once or twice our personalaties must have clashed. I watched all the PMI classes online and business basics. I sometimes when i have time like the live webinars. Nathan Street.s I liked the best. I just cant seem to move out of the learning about real estate, and complete the action items. I just seem so overwhelmed by getting buyers and sellers lists organized. I love watching your blogs, you are so positive all the time. Thanks for all you have done. Dan Brock

Private money

Glennda's picture

Hi Dean,
Hope your day is going well. I was wondering what the going % rate on private money is? I'm on my first deal and I need $12,000.00 to finish my property. Is there a going % rate? I know your busy but any information would be great.
Have a great day!
Love your Edge events!

Thanks Dean

JoshV's picture

Finished your book, "Be a Real Estate Millionaire." Just want to say thank you. All it takes is a spark to lite a fire. Taking action and never looking back. Can't wait to get my hands on your next book, "Profit From Real Estate Right Now."


The Insiders Edge funding trouble

CNGO's picture

Hello Dean,
I just wanted to let you know how much your books and website mean to me. Your materials have me so excited about delving into my first deal. The problem is, I attended your Insiders Edge event in Austin, and signed up to do the advance coaching program, and slapped down 8k of everything I had as a down payment, but my funding for the rest fell through at the last minute, so now I'm faced with having to give back all the great material and lose the live coaching I was so excited for. I feel like a chair has been pulled out from under me. :/

I was wondering if I could make arrangements to pay the remaining balance on payments, or out of the profit of my first deal? Or if someone you know would be willing to loan me the money to do it. I know this probably isn't the best or even appropriate place to ask this, but I am that devoted and desperate to further my financial education, and your speakers at the seminar said "Don't let anything hold you back," So I'm trying to follow that advice and find a solution. Please help,

Thank You Dean

jonathanANDtracey's picture

Hi Dean,

We just want to thank you so much. About 2 months ago we bought your books. Profit from real estate now, how to become a real estate millionaire, and Your town your real estate profits! We have read almost 2 of them, and loved every bit of your books. We also just joined your SUCCESS ACADEMY! We are so EXCITED! About two nights ago at work a friend of mine ask my fiance and I, "If we could have lunch with any famous person who would we chose?" We both said YOU! You have some much knowledge that you share with everyone it's amazing how much you've impacted peoples lives. Thanks so much! Looking forward to making it to your EDGE event someday SOON!

Inner Circle -Salt Lake City Utah.

Dear Viki's picture


Thanks again for such a great job in letting Jeff Jansen, Greg Murphy and Matt Larson give us a bit of their was wealth of knowledge. We truly enjoyed every bit. We are back at home putting the pieces together and looking forward to the next purchase.
P.S. Anticipating to meet you in July at the Buying Summit.

Victoria & John Huerta

Thank you !

Mathedragon's picture

Just wanted to thank you again mr graziosi for everything that your teaching us.I'm still learning!


hecpri007's picture

Hello Dean,

Just to let you know that here in Texas they have put a bill before the governor that effectively would diminish the ability to do assignment contracts.

The real estate lobby has no interest that wholesalers make money.

Hope you can come up with ideas on things like this can be kept from passing.

Best regards,


Just wanted say hi from Canada

davidcoleman71's picture

I just wanted to introduce my self my name is David & i live in Canada at the time i've read 2 of your books & loved them i couldn't put them down. Anyways i know your busy but i was just wondering if i could use these techniques here to or are tere different routes i have to go.

Thanx for any advice


Hello Dean!

I know you don't answer all inquiries, but I'll take my my chances anyway. (all you can do is not reply, right?) ...but I hope that you will.

You have so many products...and I have so little money! I need to know WHICH one to start with, given my circumstances, which are certainly challenging right now. I am going to appeal to you on this, because obviously you will know the best answer(s), and I am going to trust your reply.

I'll start with my circumstances, which should narrow down the field quite a bit.

I attended a local presentation here in Indy last week "Insider's Edge Real Estate Worshop Package" and signed up!
Now here's the (insert your own descriptor here) ...part! lol!

I have exactly 3500 to my name as of today-filed bankruptsy 1.5 years ago and am still (barely) living in the house that I built 7 years ago and is now in preforeclosure. If you "do the math" and deduct the 1,997 I paid for the work shop, then deduct the 1,400 I am going to owe for HOA fees sometime very soon, that leaves me with a whopping $100.00! Am I scared? Heck yes! Was this a stupid move on my part?
...not sure yet.

I see on your site that there are home versions of the 2010 seminar for $697, I believe. The Success Academy seems wonderfult-but it too, is fee based- I've already sent in an inquiry email.
(ever thought of "scholarships" for your new school-I was dean's list all thru college!!)

I KNOW I can do the real estate program-I am simply trying to figure out (given that I only have one shot at this) which direction to take that is best for "me".

I also am hoping that whichever direction you suggest, will also lead me to someone who can best advise me about how to capitalize on my own home, before I lose it to foreclosure for good. I do NOT want to keep it-I want to make a commission of some type on it, while the buyer makes a great deal! I am hoping my own home might be my first deal and the way to get some additioanl funds under my belt during my transition.

I know selling my home will be tricky, as I've tried to short sell it recently (what a zoo) so I know a little about the process. What I CAN tell you that it was selling for 129,000 and the mortgage was 186,200.

Why should a realtor make a 6%commission when I can find a buyer for a great home in a super neighborhood?

Why am I not staying? I'm single-never married (literally no family left) and I'm overwhelmed by not only what it takes to manage a home (and to pay for it) by myself, but the outrageous HOA fees in this VERY nice "family oriented" community. Can You tell this was my "first" (and likely last) house?

I'm ready to finally travel-I'm so travel-deprived that I've not even been to FLA. yet! (I'll switch you autographs one day-okay?) Smiling Literally worked my life away as a nurse (which I still am). However, once the house is gone, nothing to really tie me down here.

I've got a camper that I just love, and I want to travel this country. I can do travel nursing..OR I can possibly work with a partner of some kind and travel the country while checking out/scoping out RE "finds" as a wholesaler/bird dog or whatever else I will eventually get to know more about. Or maybe even both (but I don't want to get back into working my life away AGAIN if I can possibly help it!).

So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! Smiling I have one business day left to return this package-if indeed, another-would be better suited to my needs.

My first priority is to partner up with someone who can help me profit off of my own house (while I still possibly can-I think I may only have between 1-3 months left in it).

This I think will not only reduce the incredible stress I'm under but give me the confidence to keep going with REI.

I don't mind telling you that I'm pretty unhappy with banks and HOA's right now, neither of which, have given me any breaks lately.

So if you can steer me in the right direction, I think I've got not only a great career ahead of me, but I think its possible to start right with my own home-given the right circumstances/mentor/partner.

It sure would be nice to turn a few lemons into some tasty "homemade" lemonaide right now. Let me know if you can help and/or if you are challenged by my story.

Remember, I've already given you half of what I own today. Not much right now I know, but it's all I have (financially) in this world and all I'm worth too (it will take more money to bury me some day-lol!)

I'm ready for a change, have proven leadership abilities, possess persistance and a "never say die" attutde. I obviously live by the grace of God, and without His care, would have never made it this long! I just hope I'm still on course by being here now and taking this kind of risk!

Let me know if you can help-I'm ready!

Melisa L.

I would gladly have posted my info. here with respect to my perrsonal credibility-but I understand the rules here and the reasons for not soliciting that kind of info. over the "net". I would be more than happy to share that under the right circumstances! ML

Hi Dean!!!

tank29360's picture

Hello from Orlando, FL...


Thanks for all you do. I'm having a lot of fun in the RE Academy and learned a ton.

My 17 year old

tddonna's picture

Dean--Just wanted to let you know that Navarre, my 17-year old son, went with me to the Boots on the Ground in Albuquerque. Chad Merrihew and Joe Jurek did an awesome job--but Navarre really connected with Chad and I have a feeling he will be buying his first property within the next 30 days. Thanks so much for all you do for us. Donna Brown (Hospice lady from Las Cruces, New Mexico.)

july 15 conference

Hi Dean.
I attended the conference in Greensburg on July 15. Great presentation, I learned a lot of things. Unfortunately, I don't have $1997 to enroll in the program. I asked if there was any way to do it other than cash/credit card and I was told only paying $1000 then the balance. Is there a longer payment plan? I really want to do this, I have been watching properties come and go in my area, but I'm not sure how to go about things. My husband says to just realize that we will never be rich, but I'm not willing to accept that. I have several calls in about a couple of properties and will just start somehow I guess.
Also, the letter I received about the conference mentioned getting 2 dvds and a camera so I can enter your $2000 investor photo challenge and also that the first 25 to call and register would receive ipads. Nothing was mentioned about any of these things. How do I get the dvds and find out if I was eligible to get an ipad? I called to register the day I got the invitation and there were about 40 people there.
I really want to get into this, but don't have funds readily available. I guess you hear this all the time, but would appreciate any help regardining starting. I know once I do my first deal that my husband will see how easy it will be. Please help...


I just wanted to say thank! When I have more I will get back to you.


Hi Dean..Gerardo and Inge here .. thanks for your program ..listen this is our 4th day and found some homes reposesed by bank seems they r at a good price question how we flipp them? we have zip credit not working , a BK in 2004 and a state CA lien we cannot buy re.. any help !!!
thanks in advance Gerardo Smiling

Hi Dean

jerrymcde's picture

Just want to say I am really excited to start your Rock Bottom Blueprint program! Thank you Dean for your passion and your desire to help me be successful in all areas of my life!

Hi Dean

Do I need to use a different contract to buy a Mobile Home Park? do you know of any good hard money lenders in NYS?

Donald Myers


Shonna A.'s picture

Hey Dean!

Love your books. I am new to real estate investments but excited and eager to make my 1st deal happen. I requested to be a mentored by Cathy B, and to be on Carol Stinsons team. In the event Carol Stinson cannot find any work in my area and Cathy B is unable to mentor me who else would you reccomend? I have a goal to make my first $100K this month. Please respond negative replies are accepted.

My goal is to make my first $100K by the end of August
Shonna A.

Whats the next step?

JayR's picture

I put a ghost on craiglist that says I need more invetory and someone sent me this. What should I do next?

Address: 12634 Rifleman Trail. Cypress, TX 77429
4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom, 2 Car Detached Garage
$1,000 Option Fee to tie house up! Buyer to pay all Closing Costs
Easy Rehab!!! Great house for Retail Sale or Rental!!!
Asking 95K

the edge 2010 home study course

dean gregory a here i`am sorry i cannot purchase the edge cours, my unemployment runs out at the end of this month, i no you have expenses ,but it may as well be $5000 i just aint got that kind of money, but i`am going to keep tring just from your two book`s i ordered, i hope you are not to disapointed in me but i will keep on pushing forward,, whateverittakes right,,,


Hi,Dean just got finished watching your "ROCK BOTTOM BLUE PRINT TO SUCCESS", great 4 videos.Seating here stuck on what i want to say to you.i do want you to know that yes the real estate investment is the tool to financial happiness.I think that i will try to do some bird dogging to get those cash buyers. I wrote a blog that stated that i was scared and needed a push , but was told that the mentors are not going to hold my hand or do my deal 4 me. Not looking 4 someone to hold hands with, but someone to take small steps with me.

You asked in one of you videos what is, one thing i would or would like to do, that one thing would be to work from home so that i could spend more time with my kids.Going back to the wanting a mentor i would have to say carol stinson stay at home mom.

Dean i've read all 3 books and started to read them again , i will read them over and over if i have to.I know no amount of reading can compare to doing! thank Dean 4 any encouragement u can give leon

Talked with a lawyer

tenorsaxman's picture

Hi Dean,

How have things been going. I wanted to ask you a question. I went to an atty that is well known in this area for closing. I told him I was interested in real estate investment and I wanted to make sure the paperwork I was using was in order. I knew he would question about my program and want to know what I was planning on doing. Anyway after showing the paper work on IEE deals; he told me it seems I am very close to being illegal; if not illegal. He said he wasn't endorsing the process and he wasn't for sure, but I needed to call the real estate authority here in Mississippi and explain the program. He didn't know, but I had already called the agency a week prior to the meeting with him and they told me it was illegal. Did I present this program wrong? If so what should I have done different?

Thanks for your time and have a blessed day.

LLC timing

We just purchased the Rock Bottom Blueprint and are very excited. as we are diving into it head first we want to ensure that our personal finances are protected. Our question is Do we need to establish an LLC first or can we close a deal first?

Thank you

Thank You

jade_east's picture

Have been immersing myself in this fascinating and very generous community for a few weeks now following a referral from Greg Habstritt, who I respect for being straightforward and clear thinking. Just bought your book package, and I'm looking forward to putting that together with the information already available here.

Hi Dean

How are you? I have a question. Have you ever bought Mobile Home Parks and made good money? I ask because my park is going into foreclosure and I want to stop that buy buying the park from my landlord. He don't like to fix stuff and he lives in Connect and the park is in Germantown New York.


Dean i tried to sign to hud reos i was not able to sign, have to call hud by phone how to sign in ps reply TONY





craigs list

I simply want to know in detail step by step how to post a ghost add on craigs list. I have not learned how to do this, can any body out there tell me, teach me how it is done. as simple as it may seem to those of you who are computer savy, I am not.

Another Newby

It's gratifing to see that you are so anxious to help us in every way that you can. I am looking forward to the event in Fairfield next Tuesday. I appreciate the chance to get into the REI business. I have been around a while and have been looking for something that I can sink my teeth into. I am glad to see many of your people believe in God. I believe that god led me to your organization. I vant to do this not only because I need the money, but that I can help some people out of the fix that they are in. I know because I recently lost my home to foreclosure. I want to help others as much as I can. I wish that you were going to be there Tuesday, but I know that you can't be everywhere. God bless you and your family Sincerely, Sam Avent

hey dean just wanted to say

rich61's picture

hey dean just wanted to say hi 9-12-20111

Dean Thank you for everything

cool boy's picture

Hi Dean,

Before meeting with you I had no clue what real estate was, you were the one who told me and taught me about it. I personally would like to thank you with the bottom of my heart.



Hello Dean and thank you for opening my eyes to a better future, could you please respond to my question placed on the forum.
Thank you and God bless you.