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What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 6 weeks ago
Craigslist Marketing Basics dgadmin3112 years 11 weeks ago
finders fee richboy112 years 18 weeks ago
Real Estate Pricing figworks2112 years 26 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 40 weeks ago

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how can I buy houses in new york if their houses is expensive

I am from brooklyn and i would like to know where can i buy houses in New York if their houses is expensive and i have bad credit.


NinaNani's picture

this is off the subject, but i recently read a donald trump book. he stated, and this book was published last year, that harlem is up and coming, and a great place 2 invest.


sully's picture

you need to ask that question again with more details, nobody knows what "expensive" means,your question dosen't make sence."you would like to buy houses in New York but thier too expensive and you have bad credit?How are they too expensive?

sorry about that how can i

sorry about that how can i invest in real estate if i have bad credit and what parts of new york is a good place to start to invest in.

thanks alot for the info.

thanks alot for the info.


sully's picture

richboy,read my post in the forum: how can somebody invest in real estate with no money and poor credit.that should about do it.YOUR HERO,SULLY.

what about a finders fee can

what about a finders fee can that help get me started.

ok sully

ok sully


sully's picture


ok thanks

ok thanks

can any one explain how a

can any one explain how a finders fee works.thanks