Joined: 2008-03-11
Points: 21
Shivon G. Andrews
Atlantic City, NJ
About Me:
Hello Everyone,
I am Shivon G. Andrews and I am the husband of LaShonda C. Harrell Andrews. We have two daughter ages 10 and 2. Like many of you here, we are seeking wealth to further our dreams of success. We reside in "America's Favorite Playground," (as they affectionatly know us by) Atlantic City NJ.
We are looking to become prosperous in the real estate and welcom all advice given. My wife and I both will be participating in this venture together. At times you will see her add to the forums and making contacts as well. I ask all of you to welcome her as well.
We look forward to working with you all as we continue to build together.
The Andrews
Church, Music, and Family.