DG 2012 Cruise

CRUISE FINANCING !!! updated 6/26/11

hey dgers..if anyone is thinking on going on the cruise but is WAITING on your taxes or to finish a deal that is in closing ....I AM WILLING TO FINANCE the $250 per person to book for 25 days just so u can lock in the great price we have.
I am willing for ANY DGER to use my carnival master card to book you FOR ONLY 25 DAYS then u pay me WITHIN the next 25 days..... this opportunity is ONLY for dgers. .........HURRY...TIME IS RUNNING OUT...

this cruise is going to be SUPER SWEEEEET !!! we have many booked now but want MANY MORE !!!!!

oh yeah i almost forgot...I AM FINANCING FOR FREE !!!! THAT RIGHT JUST USE MY CREDIT FOR 25 DAYS FOR FREE ......only because dgers are # 1

DG 2012 Cruise

Discuss the details of the DG 2012 cruise here

DG CRUISE 2012 ......EXTENSION*** 30 DAYS *****UPDATED. new 6/21


Carnival Dream Feb 18, 2012 From Port Canaveral Orlando florida

Sat Feb 18 Leave Orlando
Sun 19 Fun day at Sea
Mon Feb 20 Cozumel Mexico 10 - 6
Tues Feb 21 Belize 8 -6
Wed Feb 22 Mahogany Bay Isla Roatan 10 - 6
Thurs Feb 23 Costa Mayo Mexico 7 -3
Frid Feb 24 Fun day at sea
Sat Feb 25 Orlando -

Interior Room base pay is $579.00..... with taxes , fees, for 2 $1299.58 for 3 per room $1829.37

Ocean View Room base pay is $719.... with taxes, fees, for 2 $1579.58 for 3 per room $2139.37

Balcony Room base pay is $839...... with taxes, fees for 2 $1819.58 for 3 per room $2409.37

Suite Room base pay is $1339..... with taxes, fees for 2 $2819.58


* * * UPDATE * * * see end of thread for Updated Dates in February 2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey DGers,

My wife karen and i are planning a cruise in feb 2011 with the profits from real estate and would like input and or interest from dgers that may be interested in joining us!!!! if you are interested we can talk about the details and share ideas.i would like to get ahold of dean and staff to see if we can make something happen!! just a thought. fun,sun,blue ocean great friends, talk real estate,maybe a seminar by dean or students on one of the days and or a short learning skit each day !!!

DG Member Cruise to the Caribbean

Hey everybody, I know this doesn't have anything directly to do with RE, but I just thought that since we are and will be making money in a few days, weeks and/or months that we could make plans to get together for a DG Member Cruise for all those interested. I will be going on a cruise in November, sailing out of Tampa, Fl. If any one is interested PM me about details or just express your thoughts here about doing one then or maybe sometime next Spring. I'm sure that we would all like to meet up with our DG brothers/sisters. Maybe even talk Dean into coming as well?????

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