How do I find the owners of a company?

How do I find the owners of a company?

I am currently working with another investor on researching vacant properties before calling/ Mailing a letter to the owner. We find our properties by driving the neighborhoods we are looking to invest in and we look for any sign that a property is vacant and not the address once we find something.

Our next step is to find out if the property is listed on the MLS. If it is we find out the details from the agent and make them an offer. If it isn't we pull a property report through our title companies website which gives us all the details of the property, who the owner is and their mailing address (if different form property address), sales history of the property, and any liens on the property.

Then we find out if that person owns any other property and using google, spokeo, white pages and if its a company the Secretary of State website (to find out who the person behind the company is) we can usually find their phone number and email address.

On one of the addresses I came accross an LLC as the owner but I can't figure out anything. If I go to the Secretary of State website I find about 90 different companies which all have the name of the company I'm looking for but all of them have either numbers in front of them or other words like services, holding, partners, associates, appartments, cafe, communications, energy, enterprise, capital partners, ect. But none with just the company name im looking for. Neither can I find a website for the company or phone number.

Any other ideas on how I could track down the owners of the company?


All registered LLC must have

All registered LLC must have a mailing address. Match the mailing address on the LLC registration documents to the address on the property record card. You could also pull the deed to see the actual legal name of the LLC and reconfirm online.

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