Flipping Cash Flow Properties

Flipping Cash Flow Properties

Have you ever noticed that two identical properties across the street from each other, the same size and the same condition will be marketed and the one with the tenant in place and positive cash flow will sell to a cash flow buyer in less time as a FSBO than a MLS listed property would sell vacant.

As a real estate coach for Dean I have the opportunity to talk to alot of students from all across the country and Canada and have run into a few that are taking advantage of this by getting vacant properties under contract and then marketing them to cash flow buyers once they have a lease in place. This is done by running ghost ads on craigslist for places to rent and then getting a commitment from them.

There is no doubt that vacant properties are going to be the most motivated to sell, but depending on what they own it may be impossible for them to take the necessary discount to make the deal happen. But you get a tenant in there with good cash flow and you can turn lemons into lemonade.



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pacifgen & Jerry99

Are you the same person? I have come across this posting on almost every thread I've read in the last few days. If what you say happened, we are sorry for that... but it's something that should be addressed thru customer service. The people who read these forums are just fellow students and former students who have had success and are now helping the newer students. From what I've seen everyone here is very helpful and considerate of each other, but they have no control over the program you're referring to. Spamming the forums will not help your cause. Try using the link in the top right corner that says "Support".



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You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.