$9k for a house in Indianapolis

$9k for a house in Indianapolis

Currently selling a 3 bed, 1.5 bath sfh in Indianapolis, IN. Tax assessed value $40,400, repairs needed estimated at $5000. Area rentals range from $650-750. CASH only

Please PM me for more information.




~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~

$900 House

I found a house in Dayton Ohio on Ebay, the photo showed a nice looking home with good rental potential. I started bidding on it, soon every bid I did was outbid within minutes, I had a feeling the owner was bidding against me and I stopped bidding at $7,500 After the bidding was over I get an email from the seller saying the high bidder backed out (suspicious) and asked me if I wanted to buy it, I said no, thats why I stopped bidding, I told him if he wud do a first option I wud sell it for him in 90 days. He says no he needs the money right away. He then asks me to pay the listing fee on Ebay that was $300 Im still wondering why I shud pay his listing fee. I got online and found a realtor in Dayton and sent her over to look at the house. She said it was run down boarded up with all the windows broken and some homeless druggies were living in it. Thats nothing like the freshly painted home that was in the photos on ebay. I told the seller about the condition and he says its been a while since hes been there. So buyer beware, there are unscrupulous sellers out there.

