Does anyone really care if we quit or succeed?

Does anyone really care if we quit or succeed?

I've been searching for answers and the only answer I get from here is $10,000 for a mentor and all will be good. I've sunk every penny we have into this and have nothing to show but more monthly payments. I've tried repeatedly to find help and no one is willing unless we pony up $10,000 that we don't have. Some kind of help and I'm finding out more and more that is the way they operate. If I'm wrong, contact me Dean and set me straight.


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties

I don't think there is a

I don't think there is a person out there who doesn't care. From the new to the seasoned. There are things you can do that don't require money. I have been learning and applying the leasons from Dean's books, and from all the different forums on this site. I have not closed a deal yet, but I guarantee you I will. Soon. I am working on assignments. My goal is to close on a few deals, get some experience first hand, and then I will have the money to pay for my success training. I will need all the help I can get when I am ready to move onto other techniques for my investing career. I want to build my portfolio, I want rental properties, I want to do lease options, I want to flip, and much much more. I know to get these I have to start somewhere and for me, I have to assignments because I have no money and no credit. What are you planning on starting off on? You are in control of what you do. Make a choice and go from there. I will check on you and be happy to be an open ear. I can't offer any advice as far as investing goes because I am inexperienced. No sense in having the blind lead the blind, but I do care. Many others here do to. Maybe if you take a breathe and just read the books and these forums, do what they say, and ask those questions that come up accordingly you might have a better response. It is not what happens, but how you react to them (Dean).

Bothell, WA


Know what truely matters in life, consume yourself with that, and you shall never be disappointed, afraid, or alone. Give your gratitude always, give respect to everyone, and you shall never be anything less than what matters the most. Give praise to the Lord, forgive yourself and others, and with all of this together you will get a taste of what heavens lie ahead.

Thanks for the re-direction

We've worked to this point and just need someone to help guide us as we really do not know what we are doing.

Areas needing help are:

Where is the best place to find the owners of a property?

What is the best manner to find out what is owed on the property?

What is the best approach to an owner when you do make contact?

We're not sure we have the numbers right.

If we can get past these insecurities, we'll be fine, just need a little help and direction.

Thanks again,
Rick & Peggy


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties

So i'm reading this and i'm

So i'm reading this and i'm getting one of two things;

1. You paid $10k and still don't know what to do

2. You don't think anyone will help you unless you pay $10k

You definitely need to take a step back, calm down and assess what exactly you want to do. You are showing the signs of a future quick burnout wanna be RE investor. Plus you seem ipssed off before getting started.

My advice to you is read; go to Barnes & Noble, Borders and either purchase or if you have the time, sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and read. Deans books, Trump, Real Estate for Dummies, and talk. And talk some more, and more,.....and even more.

To answer some of your questions;

1. County court records is one method. Another is If the # is not there, go onto

2. Best method is to ask the owners themselves once you find them

3. Calm, professional manner. Tell them in a straightforward 2-3 sentence who you are and what your intentions are. Once the questions start then you can get more in-depth with your plan

Those monthly payments should be enough reason to get rid of those insecurities you have. If not then its really not that big of a deal

Hope it helps

When I realized that I can

When I realized that I can never ever afford to pay for the Academy, I told myself that i'm on my own now armed with the book that up to now still serve as my Bible. I loss my Job Aug. 2007, read the book in April 2009, got my first deal in March 2010 with no money down because I am BROKE.

If you have any questions about REI, go to this site and on the search link, type in your subject. Most questions have been answered if you persevere to find them. If you feel sad and frustrated for you do not know how to start, go to this site and read the forum. It will help motivate you and step up. Blessings to all. LA


Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-

Where is the Best place to

Where is the Best place to find owners of the property- REAL PROPERTY SEARCH or TAX RECORD.

Way to find what is owed on the property - INTERVIEW THE OWNER or TITLE COMPANY, TAX LEAN CERTIFICATE maybe more.

Approach to the owner when making a contact- READ DEAN'S BOOK, I AM 100% SURE DEAN HAS A SCRIPT.


Rick and Peggy, hope this help you overcome your insecurities. You will have more support in this site. Just do everything you can. Work hard, focus and don't ever give up your dreams. Blessings to all LA


Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-




"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote

Rick, If you're serious


If you're serious about doing this, i'll tell you what; i'll help you out

A hotbed i'm dealing in is in the midwest, namely Indiana and Missouri

They have a goldmine of real estate out there and I have a connect that i'll put you in touch with.

He's the real deal. Want answers??? He'll provide them but he won't hold your hand so I suggest you do what you have to do to keep up.

He's got the houses, you provide the buyers.

Don't worry about my fee. I'll be taken care of

Send me your e-mail address by PM

You are well on your way

You are well on your way Rick, you just have to figure out the right plan of attack, there are plenty of ways to find sellers with a small or no budget at all. The little to no budget just means you have to work harder to get deals.

If you're willing to do what it takes there is help available. PM me if you need some direction.


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Try Posting Ads on Craigs List

The postings are free and I actually just got my first response late last night to an ad I posted looking for LANDLORDS wanting to get out of the business of renting and retire. I will call the gentleman this evening and open up a discussion about what he has, where it is located exactly, and how much he is looking for the property. I am a newbie myself, but made contacts at the local REI Club who have the funds and can move on a good deal.

I don't have the funds to join the Success Academy, but I have my very own club right here on the site. These people are supportive, helpful, and like one big meeting of the minds concerning real estate.

Best of luck getting out there and making those deals!


Well ask for get help

Well, ask for help get help Smiling
Elixbrown is opening the door for you. good luck.
Very nice of you Elix.

Rick and Peggy

Take Elix up on his offer. Truly a chance like this doesn't come along every day. He is handing you a genuine opportunity here, take it and hold on for the ride, but be prepared to work and work hard. Nobody will hand it to you, we will advise and suggest, but in the end you must be the one in the trenches of Real Estate Investing. Good Luck...Jan


you're awesome!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:


pdqservicesinc wrote:
you're awesome!

you're gonna make me blush lol

You are NOT Alone

There are hundreds of people on here that you can reach out to for help...all you have to do is ask. Some on here my not be that experienced but others on here have years under their belts.

If you really want to suceed at this you have to first drop the self pity attitude and the indignation that others expect to be paid for their time.

Lets just say it like it is - no one can do the work for you but plenty can help guide you. If you read thrugh these forums the information is so vast and encompassing it will give you knowledge that you will have for years to come.

The support on this site is like no other. What other site can you go to and get all this info for FREE. So they are trying to get you to join the academy. If you can then do it, if you cant then take a step bac and figure out what you CAN do.

For alliances with others on the site in your area. Meet with local investors groups, establish connections from that you can pick up the phone and call on - dont just feel beat - JUST DO IT!



TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


Anita is right

I'm a newbie and know exactly about self pity. If your every going to get ANYWHERE in life you have to never give up. It's really self defeating and will get you know where. While I was waiting for Deans material I read EVERY single post I could just to be able to understand the basics of rei with nmd!! Have you watched Deans weekly blogs? Most of them are training materials and will have you inspired In no time. Find motivation and POSITIVITY from somewhere becuase if you think you CANT do it, then guess what YOU CANT. Post more ask more specific questions the dg fam will answer them. Prime example I posted the other day how I refused to stop my education because I couldn't afford it and asked the success academy what could they do for me.. Just by asking they FINANCED my whole education. Meaning I was able to put a small enough deposit down then I can get coaching by paying small payments each month. They want to see you succeed, the other day I was stressed becuase I was determined to make it to dean"s live edge event becuase I know it would change my life. I posted about my financial issues and told everyone that no matter what I will not stop until I get to this event and I was contacted by the QUEEN of wholesaleing to do a partnership with her. I can say first hand the dgfam wants everyone to succeed an elixbrown showed you that. Take him up on his offer, but you have to know that we ALL one way or another felt the same as you did but these wonderful people are here to extend there knowledge, help and guidance to show you that you too can BE A REAL ESTATE MILLIONARE!!

In the words of Matt Larson "GET IT DONE"

God Bless,
Gorgeous Frazier

P.s I didn't stop fighting for what I wanted and I'm GOING to be at THE 2010 E.D.G.E event!! I'm estatic!!!

I told you there are many a

I told you there are many a people here who care. Never doubt it, and never doubt yourself.

Bothell, WA


Know what truely matters in life, consume yourself with that, and you shall never be disappointed, afraid, or alone. Give your gratitude always, give respect to everyone, and you shall never be anything less than what matters the most. Give praise to the Lord, forgive yourself and others, and with all of this together you will get a taste of what heavens lie ahead.

Rick and Peggy

There are a lot of people here on this site everyday. Some are veterans and some are newbies, but what is important is that you can get something of value from the posts here.

Some people give advise and others use the advise that is given. You asked if anyone cared if we succeed or quit. The answer is of course someone cares. We all care otherwise we wouldn't be here on this site. You also care too. That is why you come to the site. Do not get upset with the site, it is a tool. This is just another tool in your arsenal. It is a great tool if you use it correctly.

I think if you sit down and invest some time reading through the forums, join a REI club, and take the offer you were given here you will be fine.

It sounds like you are very frustrated and I can understand where you are coming from. Take a deep breath and relax. We are here for you but you have to really work hard.


Rick&Peggy, I am not going to say any different as everyone says all the answers on this page is just enough to show we care but you have to do the work. As the old saying goes " You can take the horse to the water but you cannot make him drink it" We will all help with what we can but you have to do as well. Another saying is "do what you can; and God will do what you Can't".My story is too long.I'll GIVE IT BELOW IN SHORT. Do not give up before you begin. Take Elix up on his offer.
Elex you are a god sent.
Good Luck Keep us posted . (In order for me to get this far I had to climb Mount Everest, In Summer 110%, no shoes, no shirt, no food, very little water, I got to the top, I am now lifting my hands to say thank you God.