My Deal No ?

My Deal No ?

I have tried a couple that never came out as the offers were not accepted so I just moved on. So here is the next one. 3 Br 2 Ba around 1600 Sq Ft, nice neighborhood where the houses are selling for 90,000 plus, this one was recently lowered 10,000 to 58,000. I have some one on my buyers listing looking to rent to own on a lease option and likes this area as it is a good neighborhood and has people living next door he knows. After talking with the listing agent the owner has two more houses that he recently lowered the prices as well which all three are currently rented out. This property has been on the market for over 300 days so I am going to try an even lower offer than what he is asking and see how far he will go down. As for the other places they would make a good rental as well if the current tenants want to stay where they are and signed a contract or maybe even try a rent to own also as they are being sold around 35,000 so will have to research them more. Right now this area is not really growing at all, but not declining either, it is at a stand still for the time being. The price is right where my buyer likes it seeing how he does not want to pay too much for a house and the price being lowered he liked even more. So now I have to work on the financing part on how to do this the best way possible to come out with using little or none of my money or credit. All ideas would be greatly appreciated.



gost ads

when place a gost ad and get phone calls but dont have any homes for what the ad says what do u do. and be honest. so you would have a bad name



Tellajoe, You tell them that


You tell them that the house is under contract but you have two more houses you'll be getting your hands on later in the week.

Get all their info, find out what else they are looking for, and let them know that whatever they need shouldn't be an issue for you to find.

ghost ads

Thanks tellajoe thats what I have been doing plus I leave my business cards in a lot of places as well and I found a good place for this is at gas stations on the pumps because every one needs gas one day and while they are pumping gas they can take one of my cards and have found some buyers this way. When the people call I tell them that right now I do not have a property for them and I can find them one.

you tell them that

Thanks elix. When some one asks me I let them know that if I do not have anything at the moment that they can give me their info and what they are looking for and I can see what I can come up with as I always try and keep a few places in mind that I found earlier in the week while on the pc. Like I had some one call me recently looking for a place to rent to own and I already looked at a property last week that might be what they are looking for so I am now scheduling an appointment for them to look at this property with me next week. All the calls I get go directly to my 800 number so if they are interested they leave their name and number so I can call them back just like Dean said in his books. This service is of great help so I do not have to give out my cell number to every one.