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only those who think and see big can grow big.
It is a known fact that those who make it big always think and see big. It is not all about how you get it started, little wonder why Donald Trump said "At the end you shall be measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finaly acomplish" Always remember - it is not how far but how well. A lot of people are scared of failure,they are are affraid of getting started while others start big and end-up small or even fail. So, it is not a question of how you get it started; I beg to differ, it is a matter of getting it started whether small or big. Napoleon Hill once said " If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great way". As a 17 year old boy, Bill Gates, Ceo Microsoft had a vision to have a computer on every home in America, today that dream has made him the richest man in the world. A teacher of Winston Churchill marked the school work of the young Churchill and remarked "No Ambition" saluted later as one of the greatest English military genuis and statesmen of the twentieth century, Churchill defined courage as the capacity to go from failure to failure without loosing enthusaism. called to to give a graduation lecture to a major Brithish University later in his life,Churchill stunned the distinguished professors and eminent citizens that had assembled to hear from him from all over the world when he got up to speak. he grabbed the microphone and said "Determine what you want in life and never-never give up" and he sat down to a thundering ovation. the lecture was ended. "Never Give Up".
Here is a nice little quote "It's not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree. It's what you do with your life that counts." Millard Fuller
whoever that is but I cut that saying out of a magazine somewhere and it is on one of my vision boards...
When Walt Disney was young he worked for a newspaper. He was fired or let go from that newspaper because he lacked ideas.
Well.... As you know he proved them wrong!!!
Keep at it! Good things will come!
Chad Provost