It is important that you follow these four basic rules of marketing and advertising.
Attention You must get the prospects attention. Attention must be the foundation to the add.
Interest Your task is to draw them in Further with an opening that holds a compelling grip on them Interest is normally gained by tapping into the emotions of you prospect. Keep their interest by showing them the benefits that will make things easier or solve a problem for them.
Desire build a insatiable desire for your service “just-got-to-have-it-now feeling.You need to make them feel that they are losing out if they don’t act now.
Action is the close of the sale. You have to ask people to buy! If you’ve given them a reason to buy, a slew of great benefits, strong guarantees, and great bonuses ask for the sale!
4 step formula
Posted on: Wed, 09/30/2009 - 20:19
4 step formula
- by scarlson
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Wow this info is great! Thanks scarlson! Should help me alot with my upcoming ads
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