Direct mail business says: Half of all sales letters get thrown away before they reach the prospect, another 50% of the remaining half get thrown away by the prospect without so much as a glance. Still another 50% of the remainder get discarded after having been opened and examined but not read. Of what is left only half get read and then immediately thrown away. In some cases, if you get a l% rate you are doing pretty good.
Thanks for the information on direct mailers. Soemtimes it could be a quality of response over the quantity of them. If you find 1 great deal from a mailer lead, it could pay for many future mailers. Thanks again for the insight. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Direct mail is a very tough route to go as Sherry points out. I once knew a realtor that had a highly successful direct mail campaign. He would send out his mailers and had something of value attached to the mailer if they were to respond. Some times he would actually put 1 dollar bills in his letters to ensure that they were read. Psychologically, you would feel bad if you did not read the content of his letter.
Creativity sure does lend to the success of any advertising campaign even with the difficult direct mailer route!
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