

People like to do business with those that they know, like and trust… unfortunately building such credibility can take time. You can accelerate the process with the help of others through their testimonials. Take advantage of human nature by getting and using testimonials from satisfied customers. The best testimonials are specific and results oriented.
A lot of us put stuff off. After all we are terribly busy now and will get to things later. Right? But, how many times have you thought you might like to buy something, decided to do it later, put it aside, and then totally forgot about it? Or worse yet, picked up the offer again days later only to realize that you really didn’t want it after all. That’s why you must convince your prospects that they will experience some sort of loss if they don’t buy right away. You need to accomplish this by using some kind of deadline or scarcity factor to make prospects take immediate action.



Thanks for the tip on testimonials. It is true once you have a buyers attention you don't have the deal complete until you close the deal. Often offer additional information to close the deal. Testimonials seem like a great way to build confidence and credibility with your buyers. Thansk for the insight and the information. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA