Either you get the ball into the goal or you don’t. But the difference between a headline that works really well and one that doesn’t can be very subtle. Great headlines get your attention and promise a benefit all within the space of a few words. They appeal to an intense desire to gain something, such as increased income, social status, security, and love or show you how to avoid undesirable things like pain. The best headlines go a step farther and suggest that the solution is simple and easy to obtain
Thanks for the information. It is true a great headline gets attention. Even movies oftne come up with various titles to see what may attract movie goers to attend the movie. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Lets atart a list of headlins that work in realestate
Rent to own
Lease option
owner fiancing
Why Rent
Small down with owner financing
Why pay for all RE expences buy from owner
Just a few I use I am shure there are many more out there