Let’s say6 that you wanted to develop a fuller explanation of each of those areas and that you had some areas that you were weak in, such as meeting people ,or lets say you wanted to expand on what you do in the 10 hours a week, or that you wanted more detail about the end results, here is an example of what your creed might say:
I am a successful real estate investor, I enjoy meeting and talking with people and they enjoy meeting me. I invest 10 hours a week into my business and I write at least 1 offer per week, and preview at least 5 houses each week. I have $250,000 equity in 10 pieces of property, which affords me the security to do what I want when I want t do it.
More Mission Statement Tips
Posted on: Sat, 05/16/2009 - 18:39
More Mission Statement Tips
- by scarlson
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Thanks for the tips on a mission statement. Once people know what we are trying to accomplish, they may decide to contact us and it could lead to a transaction. Thanks for the insight. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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