New Beginners

New Beginners

Good Morning DG Family,

I am new to this and I have just finished the book, found a realtor and I have been driving around looking for properties. I am writting because I wanted to create a new thread for people like myself and thought perhaps we can learn together.

I wish every one tons of success....

Aiming for the stars.....Smiling


Warmest Regards,

My advice

I have been here for 3 month now (fells like a year) And the best thing for beginners is to read all forums,video blogs and listen to all conference calls for awhile.Just keep scrolling back and read a lot.You need to learn as much as you can and then it will all start falling into place.I'm not trying to put your thread down, just trying to help.You will move a lot faster that way.Using This thread will slow you down because you will just get a bunch off newbie's start asking the same Questions that are back in the forums.That's a lot of extra reading in my opinion.

I wish you the best of your REI journey.
I'm loving mine.


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page

You are right

Thank you for your words of advice, I was looking for people who have just started and perhaps I can learn something from them. It is really hard to get started and I really do not know where to begin.

I am trying hard to get into the business, and I am feeling a bit discouraged. I have a good realtor, I placed my AD and that is where it stops. I just need to know how all of this comes tohether..

Need advice,
Thanks for your time.


Warmest Regards,

It will ALL come together in time.....

Bellatoula wrote:
Thank you for your words of advice, I was looking for people who have just started and perhaps I can learn something from them. It is really hard to get started and I really do not know where to begin.

I am trying hard to get into the business, and I am feeling a bit discouraged. I have a good realtor, I placed my AD and that is where it stops. I just need to know how all of this comes tohether..

Need advice,
Thanks for your time.

Hey Appolonia, what a wonderful name you have.... good to hear you have decided to join us on this forum.... There is so much info to learn that you will not attain it all in a day, but be patient it will ALL come together in time. I have been literally educating myself on a few other forums for over the last 4 years. Now, I feel ready to go out and make it happen. Remember, it may not take you nearly that long, but when you're ready to launch your FIRST deal you will know!!!

My advice would be to click on the "top users" link on the "left panel" and begin to read over the posts of several of our family members who have invested there lives to this forum.... They have so much info. to offer you.... you can send anyone of them a "private message" (PM), which if you have not been made aware - you will shortly on how this process works.... Please whatever you do-don't get discouraged, because the race is not give to the swift, neither is it given to the strong, but he/she that endures to the end..... Shalom!!



Yes you do want them to sign

Yes you do want them to sign something. I"m new at this to but to my understanding you lock up a deal by lease option or purchase agreement. That way now you have the right to assign the property to some else for a profit.

Yes you do want them to sign

Yes you do want them to sign something. I"m new at this to but to my understanding you lock up a deal by lease option or purchase agreement. That way now you have the right to assign the property to some else for a profit.

RE:Locking up a Deal

Yes you do want them to sign a contract, you can find the forms at on the left side under Student Resources, Forms and Docs. I am very new to this as well. I have just finished reading Dean's Book "Profit from Real Estate Right Now", and it helps alot in giving you the steps to take to lock up the deal. If you have not read it yet, or have it I would recommend that you read it or obtain it. It will answer alot of questions.
Remeber your learning so take one step at a time, mistakes will be made but they only make you better. Be patient with yourself. It will come together.

To your continued success.



Couple Weeks

I read the book a couple weeks ago, have a few contacts with agents, have a lawyer set up to help, getting bank information, have made offers...Once you get into it, its fun coming up with creative incentives for sellers, agents, and banks. I've made several spreadsheets to help in my efforts as well, that I seem to rely on more and more. I might post them if I start a website soon.

Good Luck.

Thanks for the advice


I am also new to the site and waiting for my books to arrive. Just wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to give advice.

Best Regareds


I just signed on this website and I have the book BE A REAL ESTATE MILLIONARE. I work so I want to use my spare time wisely and have limited funds. Should I also get the book PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW or the package THINK A LITTLE DIFFERENT IN REAL ESTATE? My husband is unemployed and I can get him to use this down time to invest in this program. I am really excited about getting started. But I want to step cautiously. Please advise.


I am new at real estate investing. I have both of Dean's books and I love them both. I am wondering if it would be a good idea to have a buyer's list together before looking at properties. I was wondering what the best place would be to look for buyers, any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

DGprotege and pdawg

DGprotege---I would recommend the Proft From Real Estate Right Now book. It is a great read and can really take you by the hand on how to gt started.

pcawg---Definately start your buyers' list asap. I am still trying to get mine and having alot of trouble and negativity. Try putting out ads on Craigslist or flyers at your supermarket. Also try attending an investing group. In Boston I have several to choose from. Where you are may not depending on size. But try to get to one and get your name out there.



hi im david im looking to turn out very good in realstate business, im also looking to be a realestate millionair.