I have over the last 3 weeks been posting on Craigslist following the recommended wording in Dean's book. People cannot read. I advertise looking for homes and I get all kind of offers but homes to buy. Does anyone know of another free site that might be more on point. It seems like Craigslist brings out the freaks.
Hi Jim,
This link (below) may help you, even though it was originally posted for those trying to sell properties. I am sure there are many sites here that you have not come across before. At the beginning of the list alone I see 3 or 4 sites that might be of use to you:
Read through this list:
Good Luck ,
Try backpage.com or kiiji.com
Thank you. There is so much to comprehend and navigate throughI usually find my head spinning.
I have decided to concentrate on FSBOS and the seven day auction approach. I have developed to flyers that I am going to be distributing this weekend.
I am going this direction because I don't have financial resources to do alot. My thinking is that if I can me a consultant and hit a couple quick contracts it will give me the cash infusion to expand my operation.
I appreciate any advise and critique you can provide.
Thanks Sully. Your the man.