Ok, I need some honest opinions and suggestions. This is my template, all the lines and dots aren't actually on the card. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. I did the logo and cards on my own, so any ideas on adding professionalism would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance DG family!
Hi, I like your ideas. We are also trying to come up with a catchy business name and cards. Only suggestion is the amount paid for referrals could cut into your profits if you only make a small profit. Good luck. Dora & Bob
I teetered back and forth with the $1000. I may change it to $750, but properties in my investment areas are already high priced even below FMV, so I'm planning on making good profits each time.
I appreciate you taking the time to give me your feedback!
Hey Tammy,
I like your ideas on the cards, but I think you should use a white background only on the back of the card (except for the referral bar at the top).
I have been working on my cards too, but as of right now I just have the front of the cards completed because I'm trying to get potential business going to my website.
I'll send you a link later to take a look my business cards.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Hi Tammy It looks like you covered all your bases on your card.I might go with the whit back except the heading also.I was going to offer a $500 referal but it looks like your on your way girl.Best of luck!!!!
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
I like the concept but its too much
On the back only, keep your descriptions to three at most
The front should only be
1. Logo(optional)
2. Company name
3. Officer and Title(Tammy: CEO/COO/Pres)
4. Phone #
5. E-mail address & website(optional)
Simplicity is more appealing and sends up less red flags
If I saw this biz card, I would ask "You personally or your company does all these transactions??? Can I come into your office and speak with your mortgage broker about refinancing because I don't like speaking or detailing my info over the phone"
You're Busted. If you said to me "well I don't have an office but...."
I've done this several times because I don't like to waste time and you may just meet a client who would actually give you the benefit but if you come off like a liar or exaggerator, why would they give you another chance with their money???
Keep what you can do personally on the card
Maybe something like
Zion Properties
Real Estate Professional Services
When they ask, you can tell them "i'm a non-licensed investor who does......"
One or two sentences only. Less talk means less questions about your duties.
On the back of the card, have a phrase on the top
'Real Estate...with you in mind...'
'The Dream Home Finders'
'Your Home....I Will Find'
right under the phrase is where you should put 2-3 things YOU can do
Hope it helps
I removed the color bar from the side, and yes, it does look better!
I washed out the logo on the back a little more as well. I just love that effect, but do you think it distracts from the referral? Right now I have it so it prints just very subtly.
Also, I want to put something on my website for referrals, and want to make sure to cover all bases. I looked at a few other sites to get some ideas. I'll share my website when I'm done. Right now I'm using Homestead.com for my website. Does anyone know of anything that would be better? Thanks everyone!
I too did all kinds of card design..but at the end of the day the card doesn't really matter.
Keep it simple! I buy Houses , name, number, website....that's it.
If want a fancy main business card go ahead and design it, but the simple card is want needs to get in the peoples hands to generate leads...not the fancy one.
just my 2 cents,
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
Wow, I love to be creative.
Definitely don't want to come across like a liar, I'm a horrible liar. LOL But, I can see where your coming from. I'll tone it down some.
Is my company logo ok? Should I include my address at all?
Home address???
Keep your card as simple as ever. If you were a graphic designer, that card would have been perfect.
Loud cards normally represent loud 'investors'; the same type of person you appeared to come across as. The real estate professional who can do everything short of giving pedicures and once you've been exposed....
no address....just put the county(s) and state in which you want to do business
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
Bummer, I went to the UPS Store and opened a mailbox just so I could have an address on my business card
The academy recommended this. Are you sure? I just put $272 on the box for a year. ![Sad Sad](https://760015.krfdn.asia/modules/smileys/packs/example/sad.png)
Funny you should mention graphic designers. I actually am a graphic designer, as a hobby. I used to do newsletters for my local moms club. LOL
For your biz cards no. Otherwise its fine
The emoticons to show how you feel kind of gave away your artistic side
Get a subscrition sent to your box so you can start being recognized and eventually you'll be getting mail for credit cards, etc
Send updates of the card as you do it
The first time I went to a REIC meeting I was in a bind because I didn't have any cards. So I went to Office Depot and bought a package of Avery cards. Did a nice colorful one, but it kept jamming my printer when I tried to do the second side and I was running out of time. So I ended up running off a black and white card with my name, identified myself as a residential & commercial REI and put the geographic area I'm specializing in along with my phone number & email address. Found a cute little logo of a house from somewhere and slapped it in the corner. Put a yearly calendar on the back.
I was a little embarrassed because everyone had such fancy cards but everyone told me they really liked mine. Clean, simple and to the point. I think I may actually keep using them for awhile.
I was thinking about the back of your card. What if you just put $$$$ for Referrals without putting a figure. Refer them to your website for details. And then instead of offering a flat $1,000, say something like $500 - $2,500 per referral, fee dependent on final transaction details. I do birddogging for several investors and they have a range and pay according to the deal they eventually work out. That's what I plan to do when I start using birddoggers myself later this year.
Also, I think an address on your card is a good idea. It makes your business seem somehow more solid, more real. I don't have a box yet but will put that address on my card as soon as I have one. It also helps to keep your personal life separate from your business. And, after all, it is tax deductible since it's a business expense.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard
I like your creativity, but for me it is to much information to try to read in a short amount of time. Remember most people will read the card and put it in their wallet or address boook, If there is so much information on the individual things you want to offer the important things maybe lost or over looked when it is read. Just my 2 cents. You can always put all the information on your website, on flyers that you are placing around the area.
Don't get discouraged, your taking action and moving forward, what a great feeling. Tammy
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
I agree with tbobst. Try keeping it simple, like having your website address on the card. When people see a business card they usually skim through it, but if they see a website address they'll go see that website which has all the information that you have listed on your current business card. In my opinion, i feel having a website is a really important.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect."
-Mark Twain
You're right, it is important. I forgot to mention that.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard
I have rearranged the whole card! Thanks everyone for your input and candid thoughts! I changed the referral to a range from $500 to $250, I made my website more prominent (I had whited it out before posting the card) and cut out a lot. Now I'm trying to think of 2 or 3 things I can personally offer someone. Narrowing it down is tough. Any suggestions will definitely be considered! Again, thank you everyone for your help!
Hey Tammy,
Here is the front of my card that I said I would send you. Still working on ideas for the back, But like I mentioned before, I'm trying to get people to go to my website.
http://robinpotter.com/buscrd-front.png (gonna show up huge on the monitor)![Eye-wink Eye-wink](https://760015.krfdn.asia/modules/smileys/packs/example/wink.png)
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
It looks nice. Thanks for sharing. Its hard for me to cut down so much. I will post the final draft before printing it up.![Smiling Smiling](https://760015.krfdn.asia/modules/smileys/packs/example/smile.png)