Talking to Sellers/Wholesalers

Talking to Sellers/Wholesalers

I'm a newbie and am wondering how do you show a seller's or wholesaler's property to a prospective buyer without the seller being there? The concern is that the buyer or seller will want to bypass the middleman (me) and exchange info with the other party. Do you just tell the seller that you'll need to show the property without them being present? Any help is appreciated.




Here we go!

Greetings brothers and sisters!

These initial entries will be serving me as my accountability system.
I have put off my effort long enough to paint myself into the proverbial corner, with little room left.

Over the weekend I took my first steps on building my buyers list. I was apprehensive just putting out my signs, thinking,"I hope the people that know my phone number won't see these." I put out three signs. Before I could get back to my car, after putting up the last sign, I had a call from that very sign. The person that called had to have seen me walking to my car. I had to listen to the message twice to make sure the street corners she mentioned were indeed the corners of the sign I placed less than one minute ago! Pretty amazing!

Now comes my next "gut check," I actually have to call these people and sift, sort and screen.

Having virtually no money, everything must be done with no 800#, no prerecorded process for the sift,sort and screen, no sellers at this time, and only potential cash sources.

This concludes my present accountability track.

Have the best day ever!

White Knight