I have placed ads on craigslist and other sites for buyers. Everytime I answer an email I ask them what kind of houses they are looking for and in return they say what do u have. I tell them I am looking at a couple places but i really was wondering what you are looking for. They generelly just say to call when I have something are they a reliable Buyer? Or what else should i do to fill my buyers list? anny suggestions will be appreciated...Thanks in advance...
Chance Property Investments
Only you stand in your way!!!! Get out of the way!!!!!
I would say add them to your list, and continue searching...and like they said, if you find anything, call them or email them...
-real estate investment club meetings you can find buyers, hard money, agents, attorneys...all sorts of dif people...
-just searching craigslist, click the ads that say we pay cash, and add them...
-call landlords around the area and see if they buy properties, and if so, see what they are looking for
***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~
I agree with marc.
Add them to your list and if you get anything then contact them and let them know what you have.
I would also go to REI clubs in your area. (If you have any, depending on where you live.) There are always investors there.
You can hook up with other investors and find out what they are looking for and get their card etc and give them your card.
I was just at an REI meeting last night. It was a small group of people (and I was taking everything very unseriously --- actually it was a very good meeting last night) and I recieved several cards from other investors and I even asked them (at one point) "so can I put you on my buyers list?"
Everyone of them said yes.
I would call them on the phone and just have a casual phone conversation with them. You can thank them for responding to your ad, and ask them what type of properties they are looking for, what area, amount willing to invest, are you a cash buyer, etc.
I am not sure if I would add them to your buyers list because you have not qualified them to be a legitimate buyer.
Everything is in Deans books. If you have signed up for the Success Academy, give your coach a call.
Good luck and I will see you at the top!!
"You only fail when you give up. Never fail to give up"
Hey Guys thanks for all that advice. I EI clubs and the ones in my area are very expensive. I want to start my own because there are really none in my area all of them are like 50 to 60 miles from where I am and expensive...
Thanks again I will keep pushing forward nothing will stop me.
Chance Property Investments
Only You stand in your way!!!!!!!!!! Get out of the way!!!!!!!!!
The more you network and meet people in your area, the more information you can gather and leverage information. Sometimes you can even meet other investors through friends or associates or even at the home improvement centers like the Home Depot. I have met several people just talking real estate. The key make sure you get your business card out to everyone you know and before long they may be contacting you. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA