DG Fam,
Thanks to all of you who contributed to my previous post. All of your suggestions about adjusting my ghost ads, helped me to land my first buyer. Anyway, now I'm out here trying to get new buyers from the 90 days cash sold list that my agent sent me. I went to my courthouse in Virginia beach where I was directed to the real estate assessor's office. In side the office I sat down in front of a computer, put in the first address and to my excitement all this info on the property appeared. After that initial buzz of excitement, it went all down hill from there. I was presented with this info on the current owner and tax information from the previous owner, it was surprisingly overwhelming. My question is what exactly am i looking for, I know its current owner name and address but what are the clues that tells me and investor bought this property as oppose to a retail buyer who had cash to purchase his home. The six addresses on the list didn't have a second address that i saw and four other properties where bought by LLC's, how do i get the mailing addresses for those companies? I'm going back Monday with better expectations then on Friday, so any tip would be greatly appreciated.
you should be able to find this info online and save time.
LLC's can be found online and in phone book.
call and/or send out letters.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
Thank You, we are going to implement this immediately.
The tax assessor office is a separate entity from the tax collector office (at least here in Calif). The Tax Collector will have the legal owner name plus the address where that tax bill goes. An investor/owner will most likely have an company name (Inc., LLC, etc). And most likely have a PO Box for an address. If this address is same as physical address, it's not an investor.
One of the most effective and free tool to do your online research is a website called, www.NetRonline.com This powerful site will allow you to search almost any county in the US to find valuable information.
When you go to the website you’ll want to do the following;
1)On the top of the page click on the link entitled, “Public Records Online”
2)Click on the state you want to research
3)The next screen will list all of the counties in that state
4) Click on the pertinent county & from here you can click on the links that will take you to the county’s various websites that will provide public information on a property.
From here you'll be able to access the county's accessory's office, recorder's office, auditor's office, mapping office and others!
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I live in Tampa, FL (Hillsborough County) and was wondering what do I do after step 4 in my case since every state is different. If you were in my county, which from the following Offices would you choose from to find a cash buyer who bought recently?
Property Appraiser Office
Mapping/GIS Office?
Tax Collector Office?
Reason I ask, is because I don't know much about the whole courthouse/County and what importance each section plays, and each of those Office Sections mentioned above has a lot of links which I have no clue of so I don't know how or where to look for Cash Buyers.
Please help!