Bandit signs

Bandit signs

How many do you put out a week? I am curious How manycalls and how many deals average


How many

We suggest to our clients that they put out 25 bandit sign in different areas. Blanket your area so you are getting the biggest bang for your buck. Put them in places where they will be easily seen, and people will have the opportunity to read them.
There is no way to determine what your results will be. Everyone will have a varied experience. The point is the more exposure you get, the more opportunities to do a deal.


Like Coach said around 25.I always keep 5-6 with me, and If I see a good place I will have one with me. A great example of how great they work.I have had 1 Bandit sign at a Walmart , right next to the Garden Center, it has been there over a month, no one has ever taken it down. I got 2 calls yesterday on that sign, one lady has 2 houses side by side with tenants in place, and she wants to sell both of them. The other lady has a house that her sister owned, she died it is a free and clear house.The other 2 are free and clear also.None of these places had for sale signs, so no one but me knows of the properties.

That is how good Bandit signs work.

Curtis Fillers
ps ,I plan on closing on all 3 of these also.