looking for investors DG family in St. Petersburg, Tampa or near by areas in FL.

looking for investors DG family in St. Petersburg, Tampa or near by areas in FL.

Would like to meet investors from DG family to exchange ideas, share deals, increase productivity. Looking for a mentor in the St. Pete. or sorrounding areas. Time is of the essence!


St. Pete

..hey, I'm looking to talk to someone down in that area.....locating some possible properties that I'd like to have some eyes and ears on or whatever ---- shoot me an IM



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

The more the merrier!

Hello Mike, my name is Joe and I am from Bradenton, just south of St. Pete. I am also looking to link together some eager investors in this area. Let me know if this sounds good. Smiling


"Will It, Do It, Acheive It!!!"