I have read Dean's book How to be a Real Estate Millionaire book in 3 days and i am absorbing as much information as i can, and now i feel stuck. I know i need to be getting my power team together but i have been gathering so much information that i dont know what to do; i know it sounds weird.
William Pooler SR
It is so hard to figure out where to start!! Just break it down into areas of concentration.
I totally understand the feeling of being overwhelmed with his books and this site...there is so much to learn!
Just pick one thing and go for it one day. Then the next, pick another area.
Read some member journals and get a feel for the simple action steps they are taking each day.
I just recently started mine, so feel free to take a look. (see below)
"Member Journals" is a topic available for clicking on the left tool bar on Dean's site. It is helping me so much to review others' action steps to break it down into baby steps to conquer myself.
Best wishes to your success!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
I've recently to have had an information overload......Mixed with Excitement....Louisa I just want to say Thank you that was some helpful information you posted. I will take it one day at a time and digest it and take one section and concentrate on that to take action more quickly.
Angela Craddock
Exit Elite Realty
I definitely understand. One of Dean's students that is in the new book said its like eating an elephant. The only way to do is to take one bite at a time.
The thing that is helping me is to determining what strategy do you want to use-Fast Cash, Buy and Hold or Cash Flow, etc. and start building your team. Just start one at a time--first Real Estate agents call/email a few and pick a couple that you would like to be on your team. Then, move on to Moretgage Brokers and so on.
I hope this helps--
Guys that's how I felt in the beginning , it is normal. I been at this for a few months and eventhoug I haven't done a deal; I feel like I know a lot. Just concentrate on your main strategy(wholesaling,REO's,cash flow, etc) and learn every day. You are not going to learn all in a day, month , or a year.
Just stay with it and work hard if you really want it. Like "anndraj" said , build your team first , that's important. Always look for houses and make offers . The key is to take ACTION and not be paralized. Good luck!
Hi everybody,
Be careful with the fear inside all of us!That is for William.Real Estate Investing is a people game,Just like life.
Information only gets you half way,Your desire and passion make deals happen! There is no over load in the deals that are signed,The over load is in your mind?
Invest in yourself!
I know all this information can seem overwhelming. Just take a moment and digest it. Just like Louisa said, do it one step at a time. Make sure you understand everything and then just have fun with it.
It is an amazing journey, so good luck and have fun.
When you were first going to school there was so much information you didn't think you would be able to get it, but you did, just take a breathe and you will be ok.
The people on this site are amazing and we will help you. That is what this site is here for.
Good Luck and keep us posted on your progress
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
You all are so right..Take it "one day at a time". Sounds so easy to say and with all of this great information at hand. I guess we just need to learn to step out of our comfort zones. That is one of the hardest things to do? CHANGE! When we are small children our parents either hid things from us or taught us the wrong way of dealing with our fears.
Thanks to all of you for the posts!
Blessings to you in all,Lisa
This is some of the best info you could accept. I have been doing Dean's program for over a month. I was told uuummmmmmmmmmm, I forgot how many times to take baby steps. I am only starting to see the wisdom of doing that. I like Louisa's idea. Pick one goal and go for that that day. HuH, anybody heard that before. I guess it is time that we listen and act. I have been taking overload thinking that was the way to go, even though everybody, not just one, was telling me different. Hopefully it has sunk in now and I can move forward. Thanks Yaull!!
**** and Deb
Congratulations for reading Dean's books and taking action. Dean's books are packed with so much great inforamtion, tips and strategies, that most of us have read the book multiple times to fully absorb the concepts and information.
One of the keys is to take the time and go through the books again with another approach. This second time around try to determine the areas that may interest you and then write down ideas of what your atcion plan may involve. This plan should include action items that you can complete over the next few weeks or months. The key is to do something each day to continue learning and moving you closer to your goals. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I feel your pain! I read DG books first as well, then I started reading all the different forums. In addition, I did research on the internet about REI. I had so much information I thought I would explode! Being an organized person, I like to write down things I need to do and things I have completed to keep myself on track. So that is what I did to keep all the information that I was learning organized.
Here is what I did first after all the reading:
1)I decided what method of investing I wanted to start with. Since I had no money I decided to start with assignment contracts. Once I knew which method of investing would best work for me, I zoned in on what I needed to do so I could begin making deals.
2) I reviewed the list of things that DG recommended having in place, such as your team members (from agents to home inspectors). Establish your team.
3) You will need to establish a list of buyers regardless of which method of investing you decide to concentrate on. Use DG's sample flyers and ads to find your team members. Interview your buyers to determine what type of properties they are looking for, what amount of profit they are looking to make, how they pay-whether they pay up front or only at the time of closing, etc.
4) Make sure you have all necessary contracts available and ready to go. Make sure all contracts have been reviewed by a RE Attorney to make sure they are legal in your state. Review the contracts to make sure YOU understand them because you can't answer a seller's questions if you don't understand them yourself. Also, try to determine what deal closing clauses you want to include that would sweeten the deal for the seller to accept it.
5) Find properties. Crunch the numbers (due diligence - property analysis/comps) to determine if there is profitability for you and your end buyer.
6) Make an offer to the seller and lock of the property with a contract. Assign contract to a ready and willing end buyer and get paid!
These are the basics in a nutshell. These steps I actually wrote down so I had a visual ( I'm a visual learner) of what had to be done. I also found that putting it down in the "Member's Journal" is a big help. Putting all that I do and need to do and set my goal dates down in the Journal keeps me on track with my goals to accomplish tasks by a certain date. It will also allow others to see what you are doing and if you are not on the right road, someone will help you go in the right direction before you get too side tracked.
REI is a lot to learn and a truckload of valuable information is provided in these forums. Take advantage of the forums. Read them. It is time consuming but I believe is necessary. A lot of questions that you probably have are answered in the forums!
Hope this helped.
Verna (newage8767)
Always striving to move forward toward better times!
Verna (newage8767)
There are some people that learn in one manner or another and my own personal preference is visual. Auditory type learning would be my second favorite. The main part of the learning curve for me is realizing that each needed requirement such as team building, building a buyer/seller list, obtaining business cards...you get the idea. These are all separate tasks that can be done independently. They all need to be done; for example, using legalzoom.com I have registered my business name shy of the last step of payment. Monday comes around and I'll start calling property managers for fees so I can come up with part of the puzzle for cash flow analysis. At the same time my business cards are going to be ordered. Placing calls to bandit signs and newspaper ads to find the criteria they require for some bird dogging. The reason is to make initial cash to file my LLC and install a separate phone-line for business and fax. You can make a diagram, a shopping list; what ever manner in which you learn best is the method you should follow. Setting small goals that are realistic and attainable should keep the information overload down to a low dull roar. My short-term goal is to accomplish quite a bit so I can really be thankful at Thanksgiving!
"Whew!" - That felt great to get out! There is so much more to do that it can't all be listed. So take your time and have fun.
Bill G.
Never Give Up, Never Surrender!