My first days

My first days

I think that this journal sounds like a good way to keep myself accountable.
I just received 2 of Dean's books- I'm starting with "Profit From Real Estate Right Now!"- on page 176 right now and plan to finish tonight.

My first plan is to start building my list of cash buyers. I have pulled a list of cash buyers in the county for the last 6 months. I am going to write a letter tonight to get in touch with them and see if they are wanting any more properties.

I think I feel more comfortable having the buyer first and finding a deal that will meet their criteria. Since I know there are plenty of houses out there, just not as many able and willing buyers right now, and I know I don't have the funds to finish it myself.



Well I have now finished the first book and have started "Be a Real Estate Millionaire".

I have written a letter to send to the cash buyers I found in yesterday's search and will print and mail those on Monday when I can get to the post office for stamps (at least the post office is still in business).

My next plan of attack is to try and really narrow down an area that I want to focus on. Then I will find my first 100 properties that is on my action list.

One step at a time.

Danielle Nicholl:

Hi Dani,

Welcome to DG's Family. I see that you are really motivated and moving forward very quickly! You will do very well as you have prior experience in real estate. Just keep it "One step at a time" and you will get there... Smiling

And keep asking others, here at DG's site, when you have questions. They are very helpful and know many tricks to share with you.

Theo T. Cool


The problem with not having a goal is
that you spend all of your time running
up and down the field but you never score.

-Bill Copeland

Thank you Theo. There really

Thank you Theo. There really is a lot of information here, and helps me get out of the "box". One of the drawbacks of having been a traditional agent is that you really are trained that there is only the normal way of doing things.

Best of luck to you in your ventures!


I am still reading through my second book- I am in the section of figuring out the current local market. I'm pretty sure I have a handle on the current market, but I am trying to narrow down a specific area in town to focus on as I know all of St. Louis is too large, I'd get bogged down and not move forward.

Think I should have a good idea by the end of the afternoon, if I could get a chance to start working on statistics and not have so many interuptions (can't wait til the day this is my full time career)