The Chronicles of Crunk

The Chronicles of Crunk

Did a little real estate years ago, just starting over and going like gang busters, read barm and make money now in re, put an ad for birddog on Craigs list, learned how to use craigs list, have one contact thru deans website who will sell my properties for a fee and ordered The Edge 11, it will be here in two weeks. Listened to every taped conference call, read all questions and reply's. Can't wait, want to deal mostly with probate, foreclosures and assignments/birddogging. Week one over. Can't wait for week two! Love to hear everything you all are doing, it is encouraging. JC Trying to figure out where to download contracts, want to be prepared! REMEMBER: Beware the lollipop of mediocrity, lick it once and you suck forever!


Second Week

Close to the end of second week and just wanting to wait till I got a rea, Finally I got two! They both just called me this am and are willing to do all assigned tasks I asked for. Both have worked with investors b4. Let me tell you how I got them, I went on trulia and asked a stupid question, I figured whoever was hungry would answer. Two hungry people did! I told them right up front that I baited them looking for someone hungry and they both laughed and said they would get right to work! Downloaded all contracts, get paid in 5 days and will buy bandit signs then for buyers and sellers. Read and listened and studied all of the edge. Learning many new things, sharp learning curve! Dean, if you read this, your name should be Dean Delivers! Thanks. May still have to send back the edge but will get coaching as soon as I make my first sale! Know how to do a few things, but I WANT IT ALL!!!! Concentrating on assignments, since no one answered my bird dog ad. Had a lot of funny looks (you crazy girl) and a lot of naysayers, again, get off my planet! No where to go but up!

Curious... what was the

Curious... what was the "stupid question" you asked?


How to find info on FSBO when court house is closed. Hope it helps


Find fsbo info in city/county website in land records or tax assesments


Mike Free tools

Third week

No rei clubs yet, but doing fairly well with new realtor. Put me with a good broker who is familiar with creative loans. Sending me tons of listings, not all in the catagory I asked for (lots of short sales) which take forever. But I haven't found an investor yet to buy them. Putting up signs, Had money to buy 20/with posts. Its an all day rain here, so mabey tomorrow. Found a good title co. with attorney on board, rut roh, this is really happening! Today I will post on craigs list to see if I can find a few investors here. Got my list of last 60 days of sales, 34 days was the fastest closing, not sure its worth looking up, that seems like a long time for a seasoned investors deal! No where to go but up!

stupid question

Mike, only asked that question to see if any hungry rea's were out there. I already knew tha answer. Guess what? It worked and I got my rea, mabey two! Thanks for the post. Janet

Exciting news!

Not week four yet, BUT-----Met with my new Rea and his Broker yesterday. Wow, they are setting me up a meeting with some investors and leting me have my say! Also working on rei clubs in the area, they are mostly retired private community clubs, but who cares, most of them paid cash for their homes and have self directed iras. Sounds like money to me. I am really very impressed with myself for pulling this off. I had to sound like I knew what I was doing and I did it! And, I got all the info from Dean's resources, kudos to dean and staff. Just got my Website up and running, today I will be calling on yahoo and google etc to get linked in. Still getting looks like I belong in a padded cell, he who laughs last, you know the rest! The DG family is the best!

You're doing awesome!!

It's so encouraging to read your journal! Keep up the good work!!

Good work

Thanks Lori, I actually bought one of deans books 3years ago and joined two years ago and I let things get in my way, some of it couldn't be helped, but now I am on track, don't let anything stop you. You can do this! Can't wait to publish my first sale! Working on the reo Hud property website now, very time consuming. My best to you and I hope to hear about yur accomplishments too!


Why do some of the forums have a caption with a star in it? Almost into fourth week, and by my pitbull on crack viewpoint, going to sloooooow. Rea put hot list on my email so I will know who just came off the MLS without a sale. Made up post cards for initial contact. Watching for notice of creditors, not much here, in the probate department. Most of the homes here are ridiculously high priced and sell quickly. We have the largest, richest golf cart community in the US yes we can go to the dr, rehab, dentist, shopping, restaurants, movies etc by golf cart roads. Have 12 golf courses, not executive! Have ads, and signs out and no investors, yet, no buyers list either. But I have a plan! Going to post card all the banks here with a copy of (and I can't remember his name) the list one of our best dgers idea, IF I can find it. It went like this, the bank turned him down for an REO so he sent a post card=Want a lower price, a lower interest rate, bank pays closing, money back at closing. At the end of the month they called him and he got everything he asked for, Chutzpah!! Anybody know where I can find this article? My job ending at end of month and IRS is intending to seize my property for a measly $351. Yup, they must be hard up! Am I giving up, somebody tell me what this means, not in my memory banks! See what monyana brings!


Looking for a new Rea, been two weeks still hasn"t posted the hot list on my email! Guess he thinks he is going to do business with me when I get going, LOL. No work no pay! Back to square one. Tomorrow last day of work, so something better break soon! Read an entire book/with sample letters re: pre=foreclosures and know for sure I don't want to do that! Going to stick to assignments for now and probates. Still having trouble with web site, have it up within the week. Very hard for me not to achieve my goals, I am very hard on myself and demand that I be the best, so all this two steps forward and three back is discouraging. I will never raise the white flag, uncle is not in my vocabulary. I Will do this! Remember Abe Lincoln: If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 of it sharpening my ax! That's what I'm doing, preperation, preperation, preperation! There is a plethera of info on this site and I keep finding new stuff. You guys just keep blogging and I will keep learning!

Back two months later.

Made up my mind to join the acadamy, with that in mind, been working my butt off to get there. Did too much and went down hard. Yesterday I was able to get dressed and go out for breakfast. Met a rea attorney who is happy to be on my sucess team. Since I have been out for two months, I lost the rest of my team. They weren't what I needed or they would still be with me, but every lesson has a positive outcome,IF you learn from it. Starting over looking for sucess team. Almost have enuf to join the edge. Thanks Mike, you must read everything to have even noticed my absence. I went out yesterday with a positive attitude and it paid off. you never know what life will bring you if you keep your eyes open,(and your mind). Thanks Dean, I do want to be part of the bigger dynamic group!