Robins Journal

Robins Journal

It has been almost a week since I purchased the RB blueprint it is going real fast I have an agent working with me he wants to meet with me and show me some listings. still moving forward 1 day at a time. I recieved my Edge in the mail late Thursday I have my business cards and a bucket of Buyers yet to contact. I am all pumped up about doing my first deal



Robin great job on getting an agent keep moving forward good luck!

Thank You

Well believe it or not I did go meet the realator last wednesday by the time I got home I was depressed. He did not show me any properties at all that day and I was there at 9:00 am what he did show me was a few listings on the web WOW I could have do that. But have no fear I did not let that stop me instead I now have a new realator I love watching and listing to the mentors as I keep pushing forward! I had old business cards but I ordered new ones, so I took Joes sugestion and got a seperate email address, and took my smart phone and got a google voice. I have done research in my area for economic growth not so hot around here after all it is Michigan! I also searched Craigslists found several properties in and around my neck of the woods. I also have a list of homes that have sold in the past 30 days, so I will be checking for hot spots with those, I have been practicing comps, and comparing comps for my area on total view, also have watched several of those videos, not all of them yet, but working on it. I did get my new book from Dean and have read a few pages in it as well no wonder I don't post often but when I do look at how long this is . Thank You again Robin