3 Day Workshop New Orleans!

3 Day Workshop New Orleans!

Happy New Years everyone!
My name is Daniella, and my mom and I are attending the 3 day workshop in New Orleans on the 7th, 8th, and 9th. We purchased Dean's packet and are learning so much! We're super excited to get started and so ready for the new change in our lives this New Year!

So I have some questions:
Is anyone going to the same workshop?
Any advice?
What were your experiences?
Anyone in Louisiana? Or close by like MS, Al?

I'm really excited to get started. I can't wait to make my first deal! I'm happy to be a part of Dean's success academy!

May God Bless each and every one of you! and your families! May 2011 bring you joy and happiness!



Applied Knowledge is Power!
Live Life to the Fullest!


We just finished the workshop last Friday and we are going to do our best to get the best deals. We got the package and also going to Las Vegas this next February. LEt me know how it was to you and definitely we can work together if something comess up and needs a partner.

Keep in touch!!


Hi, how did you find out about this and where do I find out? I live in N.O. unfortunately today is the 7th and I just saw this.



We did the one in Palm Beach, Florida. it was agreat 3 days. take lots of notes. I signed up for a mentor and we are going to Vegas next month. Good luck and keep us posted.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc



Hey, sry I'm now getting back to you. I found out about it about a 3 weeks ago from going to one of the free seminars. Its so much information!


Applied Knowledge is Power!
Live Life to the Fullest!

Shaun Omar

Hey, thank you for replying...yes, it is! Tmr is the last day, and I learned so much. I'm not sure if I'll go to Vegas, but I'll let you know.


Applied Knowledge is Power!
Live Life to the Fullest!