Hi Everyone
I would love to hear your stories about experience with either RESA or "The Inner Circle". I may be joining one very soon and need to make as educated of a decision as possible. BTW I have someone calling me tomorrow about the "Inner Circle" and have already been interviewed for the RESA.
I have very limited money and credit and not a lot of time either but tons of determination. I need to make the right decision for me and hearing your stories would probably be a huge help.
Thank You All
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
Please explain what these programs are? They seem pretty interesting.
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did you get someone to talk to you about the inner circle? That's a coveted group to be in; we all strive to be there. I'm in the RESA, and like that you can call in at any time with questions. USE IT! Its the bulk of what you're paying for. I do wish I did have a one on one coach, but having access to all the coaches is an invaluable asset.
I know I may sound crazy for even questioning this. I just don't know how much more effective this program will be compared to RESA and at what expense. I'd like to say that the investment is no issue but I already have invested more into my career than I had to invest, which was nothing. I was borrowing from the HELOC to pay bills when I bought my first books a month ago. I have a ton of debt already but I will do what I have to to get myself the new life I want. I just don't know if I can't accomplish the same success with RESA as I can with I.C..
Thank You
P.S. I also PM'd you.
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
By RESA you mean real estate success academy? Go for it, it is worthwhile especially having the someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
Hi Cathy
Yes the academy I see it commonly referred to as "RESA" for short. I was inquiring as to how "The Inner Circle" compares to RESA. I just spoke to someone minutes ago about it but did not have a lot of time to ask questions unfortunately. I still feel a little uneasy about the jump as it seems a big one but I am thinking if I don't go for it (Inner Circle) I will kick myself later.
I was hoping to get some input from members with experience with both who could guide me as to what program would be best for me.
I would be doing one for sure just undecided which one.
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
Steve, as far as the success academy - its awesome and I highly recommend it to those who have the ability to join. However, the 'inner circle' is not a group you pay money to join. At least it wasnt when I first started on this site in April of 08. To the best of my knowledge its an elite group of successful students who were invited by Dean and his staff to be a part of as a brainstorming group for different ways to improve the site and help students. They also have special priveleges on this site for moderating posts and giving out badges to posters. So if you have, in fact, been invited to join this for a fee, I would be careful as to who you are speaking with before you move forward.
my story:
Thank you all for your input. I have made my decision and will begin my training tomorrow. I appreciate your interest and help.
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
Hi Steve,
You know what time it is! I am a student and almost to completion. I love it because you can call the coaches anytime on any given day. Welcome to the DG Family.
Peace and Blessings,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela