How to find a FREE site for.....

How to find a FREE site for.....

Is there any way to find out a property owner's name for free?


***Ms. Highly Favored***


If have have the address, just go to the property appraiser's website for that county. You can access the owners name by plugging in the property address. It will even show if the taxes are mailed to an alternate location, if the owner doesn't live there.

Ok. i'll try that. Thanks. I

Ok. i'll try that. Thanks. I do have the address.


***Ms. Highly Favored***

Having a hard time getting

Having a hard time getting the info for that there any other sites?


***Ms. Highly Favored***

Did You Get

into their website and are having a hard time navigating through it? If so try calling them and asking for their help. Some counties are extremely helpful with this while others, not so much.


I'm not sure...

...if you're in Wake county or not, but try here:

go to "Search Real Estate" on the left and follow the cues Smiling


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N.Carolina Doorknocking:

"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted