Will it ever happen?

Will it ever happen?

Turned down by two real estate dealers, woe is me.
But gonna keep trying. Keep knocking till I find the right one.
Want to get started now. Got the mortage broker and the real estate attorney. Lets go.



If my partner Jeremy and I had a dollar for everything that went wrong for us when we started, well lets say we would have a ton of $$ built up. Stay the course, don't ever give up on your dreams. Good things will come. Stay focused...Jan

Thank You Jan

Decided to talk to real estate laywer instead of real estate dealers, then ask him or her to recommend a dealer for me. Got to keep trying, I will stay the course.
Thank You,

Keep it up

however, if you utter any words similar to

"i'm depressed, cheer me up"

"I have read all the books and am ready. Whats the first thing I do???"

"I posted 500 ads on craigslist, purchased 20k business cards, put up bandit signs all across the state, got an LLC, PLLC, LLP and C Corp all in one day and haven't heard one response. What am I doing wrong???...."

We will have you banned for life

Just jokes,...sort of

More than sort..

Elixbrown is right more than sort of. ( Got your text by the way Elix, working on three deals which have turned into headaches in Orange County but I'll find a way to get them closed so I'll have to pass on the "complicated Miami" proposal)

So you mentioned that you've been turned down twice correct? That's part of the business so the best advice I can give you on this is just keep trying, BUT try a different approach. If you're calling them and that's not working, try emailing them first. If you're emailing them and that's not working, try calling them first. If you've done both and those don't work, just walk into an agency and speak with confidence and let whomever you speak with first about what it is you do.

Try this on for size:

"Hi, I'm a private real estate investor and I'm in the process of adding a star real estate agent to my team and I just haven't found the right person to fit the bill so I'd like to meet with your best agent to see if they'd be able to handle multiple transactions each and every month."

You see, if you word it as if you're interviewing them or pre screening them, rather than seeking them out because you need them, you'll be able to pick and choose who you want to work with because when I first started I had agents hounding me to want to work with me and then I realized something HUGE... "I'm in charge, not them."

It's an attitude thing as will as a confidence thing as well. If you would like to add a great agent, try walking into an agency and let them know that you have not yet chosen an agent that's right for you and that you're only going to work with a savvy agent that has a proven track record of closing deals. If you do this, you should have agents that would be giving you their cards saying, "lets do this" or what are you looking to do... tell me more.."

One last thing, if an agent doesn't want to work with you or is slow to react on anything, would you really want to work with them? I hope this helps and best of luck to you as you pursue greatness.


Gary Rabatin
Certified Cash Flow Consultant
Founder & President of Gold Bar Funding Group L.L.C.
Private Real Estate Investor
"Building Wealth by the Numbers"


GoldBar-Gary wrote:
I'll have to pass on the "complicated Miami" proposal


I feel like i'm in grammar school when I was told over the phone "i'm breaking up with you" by Tonya Samuels.

At least let me pitch you first and not in front of millions of people on the web

Jeez Louise lol

On the Right Track


It appears to me you are on the right track....my pastor said just the other day when you begin to meet resistance you are headed in the right direction. So keep on pushing and don't give up...your destiny awaits you.


Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group

Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Stay positive and you can

Stay positive and you can achieve anything through persistence!!


Don't let something temporary, keep you out of the game permanent.

Spencer's Investing, LLC


Thank you.


is the name of the game

Look out for RE events, get togethers, etc. Be at those events so that while people may not know your name, they'll know they've seen you before and once you strike up a convo, you can easily say "i'm in real estate. maybe we mey at a recent event"

The Ultimate Ice Breaker

Get a nice, simple set of business cards. After you meet people and have a nice introductory convo, slip your card and say "look if you come into any properties that you need sold quickly, give me a call"

I'm hoping to come into about 35 homes in the Greensboro-Charlotte area by end of the month. I'll throw a few your way, you find a seller and we split the fee. if thats ok with you, let me know.

Sometimes the best way to build a buyers list is through re professionals. Try it out.