I failed but made it a sucess.

I failed but made it a sucess.

I bought deans book last october right as my ship was sinken. Well I read the book and checked out website, set up free website that I have yet to figure out how
to use advertised on craigs list managed to get a ton of spam no leads blah blah blah. But I did read Anita's Journal and Rina's and I was inspired. My freinds and faimly think deans program is a scam and I Just new it wasn't. Well I followed some steps I learned In the book and I found a 3 bedroom house in the very neighborhood I live in. I followed deans steps and found out it was up for tax sale the owners was a holding company in another state. I called company who owned it and guess what they didn't even know they owned it. Well I let them know it was up for tax sale and I was interested in buying it they said they would get in touch with me they had to find paperwork on the house. Well I already had it the courthouse was at my fingertips. So I decided to just go to the tax sale and purchase it that way then I would have deal covered at both ends. Well in my search for money I failed no job and living with my mother and father n law. My mother n law decided she would fund the deal for me I showed her how there was no way she could lose money. Well the day of tax sale she decides it would be best if my father-n-law and her father went to the auction instaed of me. Well they went to the auction alright only to sit there and watch the house get sold for 750.00. They explained that they had found out the realestate company that owned it would be sending a check for the taxes. Hello people I already new this I was covering myself on both ends but did I get to explain this to anybody no because I guess no one wanted to belive me. The company just turned the title over to the man who bought it for 750.00 just that easy they let it go for taxes. Well I told everbody I had asked to help and they were amazed so people it really happens the deals are out there. I want miss again. I am on the hunt for another great deal this time I will find a way to have my own money. Please scroll down to #10 I get the house.



I Really trying to figure out how you fail. Look at the knowledge you received. If that's failing I want to fail everyday.

Good-luck and keep taking action.




No moaning and groaning allowed on this site

You did nothing wrong other than not go with your in laws.

If you can find that deal you can find others

No crocodile tears and cyber hugs permitted; you're a RE professional

We walk through hsit, get spit on, lied to, and still find a way to cash a check and buy homes

Hope this helps

Look at it this way

The in-law's could have held this over your head for years (at least mine would). This one, just wasn't in God's plan for you! Now you can find another one, and do it on your own. Get your buyers list together. Don't worry. You're gonna make it happen. I have confidence in you and Dean's program.



Thanks guys

Thanks lesson learned


We have been doing this for 12 yrs now, & there have dozens of properties
that we 2nd guested ourselves on ... & then afterwards kick ourselves in the butt for not jumping on t when we had the chance. Randy's right, any knowledge
you come away with is priceless; & I know that's sounds all well & good, but cash in the hand is what you need now, but any knowledge that you acquire now, will be used time & time again thru-out your RE career. Hang in there & good luck.


You didn't get the deal but you will the get the next deal. Another thing most new investors arn't sure which method of investing they would be good at. You found what you like fast.
As you grow you will learn were your able to get money. You stopped at one source. Next time you will find a few sources. And you have a track record to show other money people the deal that got away.
And last but not least try not to work with family in the beginning arn't these the people that thought Dean was a scam?
GREAT JOB keep it.

Adam Negri

Yes You Failed

Is that what you want everyone here to confirm or reaffirm??? So allow me to ask you this, one or a few deals that did not go through makes or breaks you?

I guess you feel that because Dean can do all these deals, everyone can??? newsflash...Dean has unlimited money with which to buy.

Now that I ripped you, let me get real serious with you. You need to find one technique that will work for you and work it.

Instead of looking for a property to buy, look to establish a relationship with two buyers who can prove they have the cash to buy the deals you find.

Find out what they buy and locate it. There is nothing wrong with making money on a deal as a middleman.

Do a deal and prove to yourself it works. Many here have had 100 plus deals fall through before finding one.

You make your money off the deals that close, not the deals that never had a chance of closing.

I am muslim and we have a saying...If it was to be it would be. You need to have atleast five deals on your desk at all times.

Now stop saying your a failure or you failed and make money.

re: i failed

just wanted to say you didnt fail look at all the contacts
and the knowledge you gained from this experience. Thats
a success in my book, now raise your standards: dust the dirt off
your shoulders and try harder on the next one !!!!!1

wishing you luck

How far are you from Plano???

jimmybtx wrote:
Is that what you want everyone here to confirm or reaffirm??? So allow me to ask you this, one or a few deals that did not go through makes or breaks you?

I guess you feel that because Dean can do all these deals, everyone can??? newsflash...Dean has unlimited money with which to buy.

Now that I ripped you, let me get real serious with you. You need to find one technique that will work for you and work it.

Instead of looking for a property to buy, look to establish a relationship with two buyers who can prove they have the cash to buy the deals you find.

Find out what they buy and locate it. There is nothing wrong with making money on a deal as a middleman.

Do a deal and prove to yourself it works. Many here have had 100 plus deals fall through before finding one.

You make your money off the deals that close, not the deals that never had a chance of closing.

I am muslim and we have a saying...If it was to be it would be. You need to have atleast five deals on your desk at all times.

Now stop saying your a failure or you failed and make money.

A family member might be in distress and if you're interested, i'll find out more for you


I want to start by by saying thanks for all the replies. I know its been a while but my computer crashed. I just thought I would share with everybody the beautiful end to what happened with my faliure. I posted my faliure read my replies and my computer crashed. Well as you read I was not very happy I just wanted that house to be mine. So I called the company back and asked if I paid the taxes would they be interested in allowing me to purchase the house to my surprise they agreed. I recieved my deed August 6 I feel truly blessed. I am still working on the house but hey I own my first home free and clear the feeling is unreal. I own more property with my sister but we cant seem to agree on anything so I just let her handle it. But this house I own just me. I am not sure if I should sell it and make a lump sum and try to reinvest it. Or if I should live in the house keep working until I can take out a mortage and invest that. I really do like the house but if their is something better I am ready for it. I love real estate I belive this is addictive.I belive in god there is no way this happened with thought his help.


I would love to have such a failure.It goes back to one of the key factors-ACTION.Just think this is only the beginning of many happy endings!You are on your way. Silverhound.


Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)

I would love to help you

I would love to help you make one of these failures. I can tell you how I did it. Thats what this is about helping one another. Pm me if you come up with any questions? All I can do is tell you how I did it.



Eureka, you found success. Congratulation on you tenacity. You ended-up with the house because you persevered. I am happy for you, as you now have the bug. The REI bug.

Godspeed to you,



Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift...

Ethel Griffin

...So don't throw away a gift, do it today as tomorrow is not promised.

On to my next sucesss

I have a clear title now and ready to move on. I currently would like to purchase a house in Milton Florida or Pace. If anyone has a house in this aera pm please and let me know. I need it fairly quick. I am so happy to be this far .

Congrats !

We can overcome our obstacles. That is for sure. I realized something one day that made me feel good and inspired so I say it all the time now. And that is this "life is full of endless opportunities". We just have to be open and willing to go after them. I am wishing many more deals for you.

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