Hey Dger's, Just closed on my first deal last week, in the process, I sandwiched leased this property, the owners son, who is 23, had been staying and still is in the property. He did not want to go! (Free rent and bills and a party hang out with the boys). His mom, who is a client of ours, I own a cleaning service, that is how I found the property, when we went to clean her house, she is divorced from her son's dad.. anyway they started arguing about the deal... She was elated that I could find a buyer that quickly since it had been on the market for 3 years without selling. She went on and on about how it was amazing, how I found someone. In the process, her son said where am I going to put all of my stuff? she said, not here you are staying here and were staying there 2-3 days a week. He was peed off. But I kept my cool and just talked to him about general things, I knew he was mad, cause, I took his party place from him. But, in the mean time, I helped the owner make his payments, instead of him taking care of his son, and helped another family who's circumstances aren't where they need to be just yet to buy a home.. These are some of the things you run into when doing REI, so for all those that are afraid, I say, don't be, just be firm, and fair, help someone if you can, good things will happen. Get motivated and go do it.. I did and If I did anyone can.. Best of blessings to all!!
Some of the things you face! not for the fainthearted..
Posted on: Mon, 07/05/2010 - 18:30
Some of the things you face! not for the fainthearted..
- by blessed beyond measure
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way to go. i love your great attitude too!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Thanks so much for your nice comments!