Promeric's Journal

Promeric's Journal

Well, where to start? Hmmm....I guess i will let you view my bio/profile so i will not go over that again. I will say check it out b/c it will show you the hard times as a kid i have gone through and now in two days i turn 29.
Promeric Properties is my company and i have wanted to be in real estate for almost five years. I have even taking courses and read as many books as i could get my hands on yet for some D... reason until i got married i have not started it till now. I guess fear of failure or being laughed at or what ever us good procrastinators use for an excuse really got to me one day and now.... well its on!

I posted a thread topic of "Tired of Hoping" it was me just frustrated b/c this is my passion, my goals, my heart, my life as i want it. It has gotten to the point of when your pushed against a wall well you come out fighting and that happened this week. My family and i are in desperate need, My wife has border line MS, my step son is autistic, and I myself is just plain for a lack of a better word "Broke." BUT this week something clicked not sure what but something so here is what has happened.

I posted the ad/topic as i call it and got amazing responses when i got home from work all i could do was get to this and pray someone responded and guess what they did. I was so relieved that others are there and that they feel the same way too. So i got a new mindset and drive back the old me and went and looked at a property the details are in the post" What do you guys think" and i will make an offer on it tom. Thats not just it my brothers family just was told that the school they lived behind waters that they used would not be turned back on so they must move. Well i structured a deal that once they have a pre-approval then they will buy a property from me, and ill structure the deal so they will get their down payment back buying from me and it was like a light went off and Promeric Properties is on the map all in one post, one prayer, and two deals. Now it's on me, and my drive to succeed but i wont fail because i have the DG books, the DG family, my family, and most important GOD pushing me. I am pumped up and so excited again that even if these two deals dont go as planned i stepped out side my comfort fear zone and took and chance and i cant look back now. I love it..! Thanks to everyone who responded and DG I love ya man!

Shawn Downey
Promeric Properties
aka Promeric


What A Great Bio, Shawn

I might not be able to compare with your challenges, but we all have had our own. In my case, I grew up with a single parent as are my children. Life was stuff at times, but like they say, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Well it was the mind and a strong belief in God that kept us focused on a better life and future. Challenges makes us stronger, because if everything was easy, we would take life for granted. You are destined for great things. You belief and strength will take you to the next level. I enjoyed your bio and I hope it end up in Dean's Next book. God Bless.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


the only way you can go now is UP! i don't mean to be nosey, but has anyone checked your wife and stepson for gluten sensitivity? many times it masquerades as something else and doctors here in the states don't always know much about it. taking autistic kids off gluten and casein (in dairy) often has remarkable results. it could also help your wife. the thing about being gluten sensitive or having celiac disease - once you get off gluten, the body starts healing immediately. it may take some time to see the results, but the healing does start right then. hope this helps. as for real estate, we all have our challenges as Sandra stated, but now we all have each other and our belief in God. He led us to this point. you can and will do this!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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