I mentioned the movie "City Slickers" with Billy Crystal in one of my previous journals. The first one who can identify which journal, and PMs me with the correct answer will get 500 points, redeemable if you meet the requirements specified in the "Million Dollar Ingredient" contest.
Back to the point. The founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream were on this cattle drive and issued a challenge for anyone to mention a meal and the founders would come up the ideal ice cream to go with that meal. The founders of Ben & Jerry won.
If you haven't guessed by now, I like challenges. something to get my mojo flowing.
here it is - if someone can come up with anyone (I can think only of a minute few) who is not in need of our product or service, and if I can't prove to you that they do need it, then I'll award you 500 points toward the "Million Dollar Ingredient" content.
If you stump me, and I post your suggestion in this journal, the first person to come up with a solution we receive 650 bonus points. Note - you can't solve your own challenge.
I double dare you. No, I triple dare you to challenge me.
Who does not need or product(s) or services? PM me with your challenge.
I forgot to mention that I will award you 18 points for trying.
hi homeless in md am i missing any assighnment for this week
Arent challenges fun.....You did say anyone,right lol
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
I hear what your saying 99.9% of people could use it in one way or another.Keep us posted as to how you do on this challenge.I don't know how you do it you have like 6 journals going right now.
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
18 points i'm going for the 10,000!!! ok back to work i have research and reading to do.
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
thebish tried, but.....
Q: If so many people need our service, think about how we may serve them