Email Response from Realtor

Email Response from Realtor

Good Evening DG Fam,

If you have read any of my previous posts, Im new to the game but Im out there.. I got my book three weeks ago and I have opened a tf#, have one buyer on my buyers list, found a mortgage broker and looking for a Agent.

I sent the email as suggested in Profit From Real Estate right now to various real estate agents.. I was emailed back by one who responded:

Thank you for your interest in our foreclosure list, and your further explanation of your requirements for a realtor to represent you. As Stephen has indicated, we are tough, experienced, and aggressive agents. However, before we commit to your stringent requirements, please let us know: How many properties did you purchase last year? How many properties do you currently own? How have you financed these properties? Where are these properties located? Do you own a company, and if so, what is the name of the company? Thank you. Carla

What should my answer to this be? Of course the answer to all the above questions are none, no, and def not.. Should I answer them at all or move on to the next interested agent?



Hi Missie-

First of all- WELCOME to the DG Family!! Sounds like you are well on your way.

As for answering the questions that the realtor sent you- honesty is the best policy. This is not something that you "fake it til you make it". Anything other than telling them you are new and have no properties, etc. would be a lie- and you don't want that reputation. If they aren't ok with what you need and where you are right now- they are not the right realtor for you!

You are going to need a lot of guidance and if they aren't willing to give that to you- move on. I prefer the face to face, but everyone is different. It is easier to read people when you are looking them in the eye. I know it can be scary telling them you know nothing, but the right one will be ok with that. I met my realtor by calling her about a property.

Based on the advice of one of the advisors in the Success Academy, I asked about 5 questions to tell me if she would be right for me. Then I proceeded to tell her I was a new investor and would she be willing to work with me on every deal. She was. Right now we are working on my first deal- well, you could say my first 13 deals- check out my journal.

Be honest and true to yourself and everything will work out.

Good luck!

Lisa Stafford
Clean Slate Property Solutions, LLC


I already responded to your msg so If I double responding I apologize (I didnt show up) annyways, your response helps me tremendously. I will respond to the agent accordingly so if they are not willing to work w/ me, then as U said, they are not the correct agent for me.. thanks again.

Hi Missie

First - welcome to the DG family - you are off and running full speed! I agree with Lisa - honesty is the best policy. Let them know you are new, but have all the tools and support to be a smart, knowledgeable investor and are seeking team members to assist you as you grow your business. Then if they are not interested - they are not the right one. I went through 10 before I found my go-getter. Keep up the good work Smiling

Keep up the good work.

Keep up the good work.


Tri-Pod Investments LLC


You've joined a fsbulous family full of support. I agree, be honest all the way, it will be your greatest asset. I am in the same position and when I answered no,no, and no, my person was okay with it. My greateet comment is I need an experienced mentor, which is true but it shows you respect and appreciate their experience.

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela