O.k. here it is. I have been on this website long enough and plan now on getting serious about REI. It seems like I can always find an excuse for not buckling down and really get involved. So, I have found a real estate agent that wants to work with me in my hometown. I have looked at some properties and will be making some offers by the end of the week. One of the properties I found was on Craig's List and looks to be a definite possibility. The owner lives out of state and can't get back here for two weeks. I also went driving around town and found this FSBO that is in bad repair. I called the guy and he has gutted the house but doesn't have the time to finish it. I will look at the inside on Thursday and make a list of costs to complete the project, then shoot him an offer. Many of the properties that have been listed for a long time are overpriced and will start making low offers. My real estate agent told me that he has no problem with making low ball offers. So that is good. Writing this is making me accountable to all of you who read this. So if I don't carry through with my promises, make sure you read me the riot act. O.K. there is my first entry and more to come.
Congratulations for starting your journal it is a great way to keep yourself accountable and share your insight and knowledge with other DG Members. The DG website is packed with information and inspiration. You may want to consider joining a local real estate investment club to network with other investors if there happens to be one in your area. If not get a few investors together and consider starting a group. Try to do a little each day to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA