I bought Dean's BARM book back in the Spring of 2008, got scared, stuck it in a box and forgot all about it.
Recently watched a TV clip of Dean talking about PFRERN and the live seminars that were going to held in my area. That clip, sparked my interest again since I've been unemployed now for 1.5 years (doing some IT contract work), I went hunting for the box with the BARM book in it.
I now have alot of questions, but have just finished Chapter 11 - Making Your Goals A Reality. Even though I need to go back and do the positive and negative reasons, here are the goals that I want to achieve in my life:
1) Provide a better future for my wife.
2) Live in the house of my dreams.
3) Travel around the world.
4) Learn to fly.
5) Go skydiving with my Dad.
More to come later...
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Congratulations for starting your journal and taking action by reading Dean's books. You may want to consider joining a local real estate investment club to network with other investors. This is a great way to learn, build a buyer’s list and maybe even find a partner for a few deals. Try to do a little each day to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks Joe,
I'm currently looking in my area for an REI Club or Group, but haven't found one as of yet.
I'm also going to be talking to an old client of mine that was an RE Attorney, plus I have two other friends that will come in handy also (one is an RE Broker and the other is a Mortgage Broker).
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I'm so glad you jumped back in. It's a really great time to be making that choice to "just do it",.
There are so many opportunities coming up in 2010 because of recent decisions by the government combined with the current RE market. I love your goals (#1 especially, being a wife myself.
). I too have #5 on my list for this year! lol
Congrats again, and I look forward to following your journal. Welcome back!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks for the Welcome Back Rina,
I now know why the Lord has not allowed my clearance to go through for an IT job in Afghanistan, because He had something else already planned for me. My wife had a great conversation lastnight about me starting on this new career.
I'm still researching everything that I can, but like I told Joe, I have some friends that are in and have been in the RE business for quite sometime that I'm going to get in touch with to get more information.
Keep me in your prayers!
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I just finished ready the BARM book, and I'm ready to get my feet wet because I'm not really ready to dive into the deep end yet.
Thursday afternoon, I was able to meet with a friend of mine that is a BCM at a local BOA branch and he stated that right now because we are in a Bottom Market, it would be a great time for me to get into the REI field and learn everything I can about the business.
Today, I'm getting ready to email my other friends that are in the RE field to see when they have time for me next week to come by and get some information from them regarding my new career change.
Also, I'm going to be spending some time on the site today (if it doesn't crash again), to read more forum entries and look at the various forms that DG has allowed us to access.
More to come later...
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Ok, last week I was unable to send the emails out that I wanted to because time had gotten away from me.
This weekend I was able to stay on the site and read a lot of entries about doing assignments. I'm really looking at doind assignment deals first before going into something bigger (would love to have the money in hand to place on a home).
This morning, I was able to email two of my friends, one is a RE Broker and the other is a Mortgage Broker. The subject line was "Need Some Advice...". I'm hoping, rephrase that...,I'm praying that my friend who is a RE Broker doesn't give me any negativity because she has had some bad times with REIs in the past.
Once I meet with them, I'll post what information I get.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Just got my emails back...
My friend, who is a Mortgage Broker, stated that right now is not the time to get into RE. Is this correct, or is she having a hard time as an MB and sending me negative burst bubble?
My friend, who is a RE Broker, said that she can meet with me on Friday morning and she's even having a First Time Home Buyers metting on Wednesday night. I told her that Friday definately sounded great, but could not make promises about Wednesday night because I'm already committed for a contractural job with BOA @ 3pm.
I'm hoping that the Wednesday afternoon appointment doesn't run very late, would really like to attend the Wednesday night meeting.
Like always, more to come later...
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Hello & welcome. Don't let your mortgage broker friend dampen your spirits or stop you from reaching your goals. Your friend may mean well however now IS the time to get into REI. Just read posts from folks like Rina, Carol & Indiana Joe and many others who are having a lot of success!
Hope your meeting goes well on Friday and that you get to make it to your Wednesday night meeting too.
I wish you much success in REI.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Thanks for the upbeat Lea. I'm not going to let the negativity come into what I want to accomplish. My goals are set and I'm ready to reach them.
BTW, looked at your profile and you, Denny and I are neighbors. Maybe sometime we should get together.
Thanks again,
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
It would be great to meet you. Are you anywhere near Port St. Lucie? If you aren't familiar the area, we are about an hour north of W. Palm.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
I ordered Dean's other books, PFRERN & YTYP on Monday and starting reading the PDF version of PFRERN while I'm waiting on the actual books to arrive. I'm already into Chapter 3 and taking notes.
BTW, had my meeting with my friend who's a RE Broker, who is also heavily involved in the local, state and national levels of RE. She said that right now is a good time to get into RE, but she kept stating that rentals would be a great start for me to get into because of the residual income that would come in each month. She wasn't to thrilled about the assignments, even with the information that I was able to print out and show her exactly what I was talking about. Like I said before, she really doesn't like RE Investors, because she's had problems with them in the past. Even though she was upbeat about me getting into RE.
So, now I'm going to be taking a lot of notes from the next two books and hope to make it the event in May.
More to come late...probably a lot of questions too.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Hi Robin,
I am a newbie as well and I found a club in my area and attended last night! WOW! It was great being able to meet and greet people interested in the same ideas as you. Plus it truly is a "one-stop-shop" I found so many people in so many different fields, just think, you can build your Power Team, build your buyers list right there!
Good luck and many blessings,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela
Even though I'm starting to learn the REI business, I'm afraid this year I'm going to miss attending the event due the fact that I just don't have the funds. My wife (Chris) had asked me if the amount included airfare and hotel, plus the event. I told I wasn't sure, and even if it did, there was no way that we could afford for me to go.
She is really behind me 100% in getting started as an REI and wants to see me reach my goals that I've stated above in another entry of this journal.
So, I hope everyone that attends, has a great time, learns a lot, and gives little tidbits to the rest of us that are waiting to absorb information like a sponge.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Would like to know if there are any DG Family members in Port Saint Lucie, FL, that would like to meet up sometime at a Starbucks near us. My wife, Chris, is starting to say that anyone can claim what they want to in Dean's books. She just wants to see it in black and white that Dean's process is actually working for others in our area.
I'm not letting any of the negative vibes effect me because I'm starting to look at several houses in the area and practicing like Dean says. Once I know that Chris is happy seeing things in black and white, then I feel it will be no holds bar for me to go for it fulltime.
Send me a PM and let me know.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Just got finished reading the first four chapters and all I can say is "WOW!"
I can't wait to start applying some of Greg Murphy's actions in my town. Really looking forward to the conference call on March 11th to hear how he really applies all this to REI.
Right now I'm also working on my website and phone applications to attract Sellers and Buyers so I can start putting my buyers list together (not ruling out using Craigslists too).
Keeping my head above water and learning all I can, so my future goals can start to become reality.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I've been busy for the past couple of days working on my future in REI.
I just finished setting up my website for potential Sellers, Buyers, and other Investors to stop by after I create my ads and place them on Craigslist.
Lastnight's tele-conference was "AWESOME!" and now I'm re-reading the chapters of Greg Murphy and Joe & Stacey Jurek so I can apply their steps in "My Town".
Well, I don't really have anything else to say at the moment, but if your reading this, please stop by my website by clicking on the link below and let me know whtat you think of it.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I've finished polishing up my website, created my Facebook and Twitter pages (which I have to make sure I keep up to date on). I'm getting ready to sign up for an online real estate license course because my wife, Chris, continues to have fears about me doing REI without having a license for legal issues, even though I stopped yesterday and talked with a counselor at a local real estate school (who stated that I really don't need a license in Florida to be a REI).
Anyway, to make my wife happy, I'm going to be signing up for the RE course and get my license (not sure if it's really going to help).
Later today, I'm going to be placing some ghost ads on craigslist, and hope I get some responses to them (because I'm going to point them to my website to fill out forms).
It would be nice if anyone that reads my journal entry today, would stop by and take a look at my website and give me some insight on what they think.
Like always...more to come later...
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I just got in to your website and it was great. With your Computer knowlege and attention to details i'm sure in just weeks from now you can take your business to the next level. Good luck to you. Blessings to all. LA
PS. I just become a fun on your facebook. Glad i'm the first one.
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
Thanks for becoming a fan...I'm hoping once I get the ads for craigslist done and placed that I'll start getting some responses.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
Good Luck Robin.
Do not let the negitivity get you down. Many people have told me and my husband that we were crazy. What is the world are you doing. Just keep going and learning. I think I have read Deans first book a half a dozen tiomes and I still learn something everytime.What everyone says here is true you just have to figure out how to do it. Good luck to you Robin and welcome to the site.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Hey Donna,
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm actually learning how to block out my wife's negative vibes (even though that could be a bad thing), but I've been watching "The Secret" movie which is helping to work on having good thoughts instead of bad thoughts when trying to run this business.
So far it seems to be working, because I've already talked to two realtors this morning that love working with investors (they both work out of the same office), so I've already setup a meeting with them next week.
Also, I agree with the continual book reading and learning. I have all of Dean's books with area marked that I need to refer to when I have a question, plus I have several entries from this site bookmarked.
Again, thanks for the encouragement.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I signed up for Real Estate School to get my Florida RE license, even though I've read an article from the Florida Real Estate Ivestors Assoc. that I don't need a license to be an investor, but I decided to keep the wife happy by having the little piece of paper once I get through the 63 hours course and state exam.
I also joined a REI club in my area and I'm looking forward to going to the the May 6th meeting and make some contacts (gotta keep building my buyers list).
This afternoon, I have to call back two potential buyers that filled out information on my website, hopefully this means I'm on my way up the REI ladder 'cause it's been a little slow starting.
I'll update later about the phone calls...
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
I just stopped in and read you journal. You are taking action that is 90% of the battle. I did join the success academy and it was the best money I have ever spent. The coaches and Dean's loyal staff are all great. KEEP us posted on how it goes.
congrats on signing up for RE school. i didn't want to do it either and wouldn't have, but my honey kept pushing me to do it. i got my Indiana license in March and it is pretty neat having access to what other realtors do. today i called a company to see about getting into a house tomorrow to view it. it took 2 minutes and i'm all set up. it's a manual lockbox so i can't use my NEW sentrilock card, but i will before too long. it's nice not having to call a realtor up to meet us at the property; now i can do it for myself. plus, you'll have access to all the listings, forms, etc. it really is nice. you'll love messing around with the MLS too. glad you signed up for your club. i have been in 3 clubs and very active. i love the networking and helping other people. i hope you enjoy it tremendously. one thing i would like to suggest is once you are licensed, maybe you will want to work with investors from your club. good realtors for investors are hard to find, and that might help you with the agent side of the business. i am considering doing that myself.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Thanks...sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I've been busy studying. I have found out that the Florida RE exam is the hardest in the nation to pass, so it's study....study...study.
I'm hoping to give a better update later in the week.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
i just wondered if you had started class all ready. i finally had to put everything aside and concentrate almost totally on my classes/tests. i was determined to pass the class and the state tests the first time around. my mother was dying during that time and i pretty much dealt with only those 2 things. i did pass everything the first time around and i'm so thankful that part is over. if they have any study materials, i would highly suggest investing in them. i had the CD's and the flash cards. i also bought the book on the state licensing exam and the general exam book, which helped me alot. i know you will do well; just take it one class/test at a time.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Yes, I've started my classes online. Have purchased my spots for the exam prep once I'm finished going through the units. Two days ago, I was at Barnes and Noble and picked up a couple of books on the Florida RE Exam and a book that had sample Florida RE Exams in it.
So far, I've completed 3 units of the RE course and scored 100% on each quiz given at the end of the unit (they were all based on Florida RE Law and the RE Commission). Getting ready to start unit 4 today.
Robin Potter - REI
" All things are possible to him who believes. " [Mark 9:23]
you are lucky that you can do them online. we have to go to actual classes in Indiana. that made it really hard because the instructor wasn't that good. sounds like you are moving right along with your course and will be a licensed realtor before long. Awesome!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
I attended a free introductory seminar the other night that presented opportunities to attend an upcoming 3 day real estate seminar, "Insider's Edge". The presentation was extremely compelling. Some of the requirements to attend are to bring a partner and $2000. I'm an active real estate agent so I'm familiar with having to pay that kind of money for continuing education/certifications so the amount of money doesn't scare me, but I've also attended courses in the past, to include state assocation directed real estate courses, that weren't worth the time or financial investment. I've been in the sales field for many years so I'm used to a lot of people making great claims. After awhile, you become jaded. So, my question is, what would you consider to be an average amount of money to make within the first six months? I know everything depends on what you put into it. Personally, I work on average 60 hours a week so I'm not afraid of doing work. And even then, don't get paid some months. So if I can scale that back and make more, sign me up!!! All I ask is that you give your honest opinion.
Thank you
You just posted on the best REI website out there, so your starting off wright. Now how much money can you make in 6 months, well that's up to you.
If your looking to get rich quick bad ideal, If you are looking to make money constantly then your at the wright place.
First you should read all the different forums to see who is doing what.
There are people here that have made fortunes, and those that have CRASHED AND BURNED. Those are the ones that though REI was a get rich quick deal.
The people on this site the ones that are really making money,are doing so because they put in the time and effort, And if you stick around awhile you will be one of the lucky ones. Because these people go out of their way to help one another, including the new investors that ask for help.
And the best part is that they tell us what not to do because they have already made those mistakes.
As far as the Insides Edge I have the videos from last years event and it is packed with unbelievable amount of great techniques.
What ever you decide Good Luck to you.