Mickey D Journal

Mickey D Journal

Hello all I have been keeping a journal by hand but I better start it online before I get too far into it.
So here goes!


9/19-Started reading "Be A Real Estate Millionaire".

9/22-Set my long term goals (2-5 yrs). They are as

1. I want to make one million dollars in 5 years
investing in real estate.

2. Build my dream home (8000 sf) with basketball
court, indoor swimming pool, and 5 master

3. Be able to give to charities on a regular basis.

4. Save for my son's college education.

5. Travel to Austrilia, New Zealand, and Costa Rica
Spend a month in each country.

6. Take a month long cruise on a all inclusive

9/22-Made my 5 year REI Plan for a million dollars:

1. Make $10,000 profit minimum on each deal.

2. Need to make 20 deals a year @ $10,000 profit

3. Negoiate 2 deals per month @ $10,000 profit

9/22-My 2010 Goals are as follows:

1. Produce $200,000 in Real Estate Investing.

2. Pay off my bills ($80.000)

3. Save $20,000 in my bank account.

4. Take a cruise for regeneration.

9/23-10/2-Kept reading and finished "Be A Real Estate

10/4-Started Reading "Profit From Real Estate Now"

10/10-Finished Reading "Profit From Real Estate Now"

10/12-Started Action Steps from PFREN book.

1. Completed identify positive people in your
life and spend time with them. (This was a
tough one for me and it came out to be only

10/13- 2. Completed Identify all the negative
situations in your life and make a plan to
spend as little time possible in those

10/14-3. Making a list of all things you are grateful
for andspend every day in the morning and at
night reading the list outloud (ongoing).

10/15-4. Don't watch or listen to the news. Instead
write what you really want out of life.(This
was not hard for me since I haven't wagtched
the news since 1984 when I returned from
Korea but writing what I really want out of
life is ongoing).

10/16-Drove around neighborhoods looking for houses
for sale. Found quite a few and some with
boarded up windows and took down their address
for owner lookup later. Had to quit after 2
hours to pick-up my son. Not much else today

10/26-Started writing out my automatic buyer and seller locater.

1. Created multiple headlines.
2. Figured out the seller hot buttons to use.
3. Started penciling out flyers, yard signs,
classified ads, and business cards.
4. Listed places to passout ads and flyers.
5. Identified which ads to use first.

10/28-Not much in last two days.Listen to Dean's call.

10/30-Started license course for Real Estate today.

10/31-Halloween spent time with my family.

11/1-Got Telenet and started setting it up.

11/4-Recorded my foreclosure recording on telenet and
now live. My phone number is (800) 638
-2561 ex 789
if you want to hear the

11/5-Setting up ads for the 800 number at Craigslist
and US Free Ads.

11/6-Learned more about marketing and also woke up

11/7-Took some time off and played video games. My son
was also sick.

11/8-Re-read on ads and after recieving a message.

11/13-Got my first message on a mobile home. Going to
call her tommorrow for more info.

11/14-Called the person and got more info on the
mobile home and told her I needed to do more
research on the area since it is out of my
investing area.

11/16-11/17-Reasearching area to figure out FMV and
to see if it is viable for me to invest.

11/18-Called and told her FMV was well below her
asking price and it was too far for to invest
anyway. Chalk this one to experience.

Renewed my Craiglist Ad and US Free Ad is on

11/20-Drove around neighborhood to see what the
situation is on houses.

11/23-Picked-up neice, coming in from California and
getting ready for Thanksgiving Day. Started my
new journal online. A new day tommorrow.


More to my journal

11/29 - Well Thanksgiving is over and back to work LOL.
I have to go to the get a stress test for my
heart and I was told my Mesentric Artery was
blocked last wednesday and probably need surgery.
WOW another challenge to work through but I
think I am up to the task. If any one has experience
about this I would appericiate you telling me about it or
any tips after the surgery.

I will sitll be placing ads out until the surgery and
hope to get more people calling on my automated Froreclosure
call center for sellers. (800) 638-2561 ex 789

Mickey D


Wow you have quite the plan outlined. That is great I think that will help keep you on track. Welcome and best wishes with all of you real estate dealings.



"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."

Mickey D,

Congratulations for starting your real estate journal. Your journal is a great idea to hold you accountable, track your progress and share some of your new found knowledge and experience with other DG Members. Good luck with real estate investing and with all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


You are have gotten a lot accomplished!

I will keep you in my prayers about your heart surgery. I am not familiar with all the different types of heart surgery but do have a friend who had heart surgery 4 years ago and he came through with flying colors and is doing great today!

I wish you the best in REI and all that you do.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC