Well, this is my first entry so I'll give a little background on my self, why I started, and then catch you up to speed on where I'm at now. I'm a guy with a good job, but a lot of debt that I want to get out of and on top of that my kids are starting private school. I decided that I needed another job, but I didn't want to be away from my family. I had thought about investing in real estate before and it seemed like this was as good as time as any(11/20/08). I didn't know where to start until about a week later when I turned on the tv one morning before work and saw Dean talking about his "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" book. I decided that for only $25 that would be a good place to try and so I ordered it. I finally read Deans book back at the first of this year and started working on a plan. I called my real estate agent that I worked with on my own personal house, she told me about a local investment group and then I found an investor, my dad! We started going to the investment classes(free)and going to the auctions on Friday's which is my day off! In about two weeks we bought are first house, put it up for sale a month and a half later and had an offer on it 2day's later. It took us 4mo.(10/20/09) to close because the buyer's went FHA and we found out that it can take longer than a conventional loan, oh well, live and learn!!! We just got our second house after two weeks of looking and we had an offer on it 1hr after we bought it!!! I'm hoping this one goes quicker than the last, but only time will tell. I guess I should mention that I only put in about 8hrs. of work a week when I'm looking for a house and once it's up for sale there is nothing that I really have to do. This is a perfect side job, and if you really wanted to make it full time you could really make a killing!! So far we have made 21K on the first and it looks like will make about 30K on this next one and yes all without spending a dime of either my money or my dad's!! I'll try to keep this journal up, because I do see the value of learning from other peoples experiences.
Hello & welcome. It's great that you and your Dad are working together in REI.
One of our cash buyers sometimes has homeowners who purchase his property with a HUD loan and has to wait 90 days too. So I thought what about doing a LO during the 90 day waiting period to get things moving. He doesn't want to get into LO because if for some reason they don't make payments he has to treat it as a foreclosure. Then I read a post on this website (can't remember title)and someone said that the contract could be set up to automatically turn into a rental if a payment is missed.
Congratulations on your 2 great deals! I wish you the best in REI.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Welcome to the DG website community, it is packed with inspration and information. Congratulations for taking action with real estate investing. It sounds like you are off and running with your first 2 deals. That is great! You also have a great partner in your Dad. I know most of us would like to partner with our Dads or have our children partner with us on real estate one day. This is a partnership you should treasure.
Your journal is a great idea to hold you accountable, track your progress and share some of your new found knowledge and experience with other DG Members. The key is to keep working your action items by doing a little each day. Before you know it you will gain even more knowledge and be that much closer to your goals. Good luck with real estate investing and continued success with all your future deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA