After months of feeling like I didn't know what I was doing, I put an ad on craigslist. I only got one call. But when I hung up the phone I was more excited than ever. He said that he owns a RE company and that his inventory is basically empty. He said he's looking to buy properties now and has the capitol. he also said he has lots of buyers who want to buy NOW. Condos, rentals, rehabs, flips. He has cash buyers waiting to buy. He said if he wasn't interested in them he would pass them to his buyer's list. I have been at it for 6months now. And to be honest I realized that I was just being lazy. I made a schedule for myself to make time for investing but I wasn't sticking to it. I would get a call from an ad and instead of returning it right then I would continue my life with a "I'll do it later attitude". But then Dean's newsletter came exactly when I needed it to. "Building Your Buyers List". I read it. And then the next day called at least 10 different people using the techniques the newsletter included. Got nothing. (It's ok. There are alot more rental ads out there) But I got discouraged. So I went back to the newsletter and put the online ad advice to use. I told myself that If i didn't get a response, I was wasting my time. When I got home from work today I had a missed call and a voicemail. I'm more excited than I have ever been. All I need now are motivated sellers. And I'm not stopping till I find one.

But I have some questions:
What should I do about a contract. Should I use Dean's? Should I write up my own? Or should I just get the forms from a lawyer or agent?
When do I take the contract to a lawyer.
How much will it cost to have a lawyer look over a contract?

Any responses will be much appreciated.



Epedemic 2115,

Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on moving in a positve direction and taking action. Consistency in marketing is important.

When we started we showed our RE attorney some of the contracts from this website. He reviewed them for a smaller fee because he wasn't creating them from sratch. Attorney's fees vary.

I wish you much success.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC


Congratulations for starting your journal and taking action. As you get more into making offers you can then determine what purchase contracts to use. If a property is listed by a real estate agent, they will probably have a standard contract.

If a property is listed "for sale by owner" this is where the lawyer or other contract may be helpful. If you are looking at doing assignmnets reference Dean's information on-line or in his book. A good real estate lawyer in your area can help with the process. The money you spend on a real estate attorney will help you through-out many future transactions. I hope this helps. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA