Bryant's Every Other Day "Daily Journal"

Bryant's Every Other Day "Daily Journal"

I've had a COA PhoneSolution voice mailbox for about a month now and was about to cancel it this week due to not recieving any calls. Well good thing that I didn't, because I finally got a voicemail from a homeowner wanting to sell. My voicemail was pretty simple and short because I didn't want to bore anyone with the longer script(lol, no offense Dean). Tomorrow I'll be calling the homeowner and letting them know their options aside from selling(that long script,lol) and then I'll get some info on the home(age, condition, location and so forth) then I'll start to make my offer's to her from the info that she gave me as well as the fmv for that area. I'm looking to locked these properties up under contract for at least 30% to 40% below FMV(more if I can). Haven't made any money yet, but I can see the ball starting to roll for me and I'm growing more confident in what I'm investing my future in.


Bryant Slade

Hello my new Friend

Welcome to the DG family and I hope you prosper big time.

Bob Ross

Bob Ross???

I used to watch Bob Ross the "magic Of Oil Painting" host all the time. Loved that dude. You any relation? oh and thanks for the well wishes.


Bryant Slade


No relation but I can Paint.

Bob Ross


So can/do I. Good job!


Bryant Slade