I am inspired to write this journal to help out many of the people beginning to invest in Real Estate who are having trouble to even know where to begin.
Here is the answer YOURSELF!!
I know the biggest obstacle to overcome is the mindset of having a lack of/no money AND/or NO Credit.
I am in both situations I have very little money and my credit sucks. I will not spend what I have because I need to be prepared for my addition to the world, my soon to be born son Hunter.
If you invest in yourself you will see many great results.
But how do you invest in yourself?
Do you have to go to $9,000 classes? NO!!
Do you have to read 100 books? NO!! (but a few really help! go Dean go!)
Here are some of the free things that will get you in the mindset of taking action.
Attorneys: Alot of lawyers will give you the first 30 minutes to 1 hour of time to just talk for FREE! Ask them about their experience with Assignment of contract, Double Closings, Real Estate Transactions, the Closing process, what is legal/illegal, and MOST IMPORTANT ask them if you have a valid interest in a property when you sign a purchase agreement. See what you get for an answer!
Mortgage Brokers: They do not charge to talk and are very creative when it comes to finding loans, and if you have credit problems they will answer any questions you have on how to improve your credit! They want your business!
Real Estate Agents: Great agents know the business very well and have alot of information to share and generally like to meet new people! So many of them also continually hear about a great deal (sometimes true, it depends on what they think is a great deal!).
Other Investors: If you haven't noticed yet from reading other topics, successful investors love to answer questions because they once had questions to ask themselves. We can all relate in our experinces with Investing. We all have so many things in common it is amazing! Attend a Real Estate Investors association Meeting. Many of them are FREE or very cheap to attend. Drive a few hours if you have to it is worth it!
The important thing to remember while you are talking to all of these people is that you are not only learning you are interviewing people you will want to work with!! It's like getting 2 for 1 for FREE.
Always Remeber that Investing does not require money it requires you taking action in yourself and when you do that you are an Investor!
Quad City Real Estate Investors Association
Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.
Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950
Nice post
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
You sound like you have an idea of where you are going,There is
nothing wrong with that!In your post you talk about helping others,
It reminds me of a saying..."How can you help others IF you cannot
help yourself"...It is only a saying!
Quote-JGREER, "If you invest in yourself; You will see many great results"
Something JGREER said, Only in my words...Remember it does not require
money, It requires taking action in yourself!...And i tell you right now,
"Money is nothing,Fools gold" then again it is your life!
I really need help ...I have read dean book twice but still scared to be out there.. specially getting buyer list build up . I don't have buyer list yet but I see lots of homes for sale round my area that I can try to offer .. I am going to take the advice above and to try to build my Team ( realtor, lawyer, mortgage Broker ) but still need help
Really nice.. I will definitely take all that into consideration..
Thanks for sharing this!
I was in the same boat - scared - where do I start....through networking I found a guy who has 100 rental props...this is what I am looking to do....I asked him If I could come to his office and BS a bit ask questions - hang out....surprisingly he said no problem. Beleive me I am as skeptical as anyone when it comes to some of the things in books and websites but my advisor said find some friends - build your team and that is what I did.....this sunday I spent 2 hours driving around...I called this guy up described the props..he knew the area and the homes and within 15 minutes gave me the details on what to look for, price etc.....great advice. A little bit at a time I am learning more and more and becoming more confident.
I keep telling myself - taking action is something that takes 5 minutes but achieving success takes persistence and patience...hang in there...
If you can't find someone - call a we buy houses sign and see if they are willing to let you tag along.......
Hello everyone,
I am very new at this. I've heard all my life it takes money to make money. With real estate investing tell me where I am wrong.
About me: I don't have a job as I've been unemployed for over a year, no money to spend, no credit cards or rich family members or friends and a credit score of 611 and nothing to sell on Ebay.
I live in a small rural town in southern Minnesota of a population of about 16,000 that is quickly dying and may become a ghost town in about 20 years or less with many business closing up shop every week. It also has an unemployment rate of at least 20-25% so getting a job is nearly impossible.
With all of this against me how can I get started? Please, I would like anyone to tell me in great detail how using Dean's real estate stratigies could work for me where I live. Any sincere help would be very much appreciated!
Thanks so much!!
I have read so many post and so much information over the internet and in books. I think I am on information overload. I am so scared I can not breath on one hand and on the other hand if I don't do something I will never know what I am capable of.
Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
I have yet to make any money in real estate. Ive been at this now about six to eight weeks. Having said that I want to say something to everyone out there that is scared. Being scared is normal and natural. If you allow your phobias, fears, to control your actions, you will fail at this. I think inpart the fear that we will actually secceed holds us back. Doing new things is not easy for some people. If you have to take small steps before you take bigger ones, then do that, but keep your focus on moving forward. There are times I feel that Im not moving on this and I read the forums and I see other people blowing this stuff away. To each in his/her own time. I do believe that if you do something every day. You will continue to move forward. At some point all this will start to click, the understanding and the ability to make this work will happen. I believe this because of those people, on this site, that are and have been where we are now tell me this. The trick is not to give up the dream. What ever your dream, whether to one day be rich or just to put food on the table. You cant lose that hunger. I have my up days and I have my down and I have to tell myself to keep going. Im getting closer all the time and my confidence is getting better as well. The more I learn, the more I realise I can do this. There are many positive experienced people on this website who offer good accurate and useful information. They try everyday to help us slowbies out, but we have to provide the sweat. It is called work and it really is. I hate to wright things down, my spelling is terrable and it shames me, but this is so important to the success of this business that I must do it. Making yourself do the things you dont want to do is how you have success. So go do them now and succeed!
ihaven't started yet just getting the books readed. Today is only my 2nd time on the web page. i don't have a computer at home nor a car. And sometimes can get to my friend house a use his computer. But i have went and looked at a home about two wks ago. i'm interest in buying for myself 1st.
So next wk i'm going to do some loking in palmdale.beause at this time my fincials aren't better.
I havent started yet myself and I finished the book two months ago. I had finals and my work takes a lot of thought and trainig. Well after all that I got laid off, so now I have nothing but time on my hands. This website and these forums are awesome. I dont have a computer also I am ashamed to say it but i am actually doing all of this from my sons nintendo DS. We live in a very small Hotel and I need to get things going now. So hopefully in a couple of months I can have a huge success story to share with everyone.
They told me I couldnt, So I did it.
The motivation for me, is them telling me what I cannot be.
Im new to this and is getting a lot of advice from all the postings.
Just wanted to say this post really keeps me learning and trying to make something happen.Thanks
Great advise, it should help alot of people get going, including us.

We are reading the books, just got two of dean's books. And learning like crazy.
Great advise JGREER, it should help alot of people get going, including us.
We are reading the books, just got two of dean's books. And learning like crazy.

Alice n John
Great advise JGREER, it should help alot of people get going, including us.

We are reading the books, just got two of dean's books. And learning like crazy.
Alice n John
Sorry about the triple post, still learning.
Alice n John
I want everyone who has been reading this thread to begin posting Questions they have been asking to Realtor(s), Attorney(s), Mortgage Broker(s), etc.
Start with a simple question to an attorney "Do you handle Assignments of contract and/or have you done or do you currently handle double closings?"
If he/she says yes ask for an example, have them explain the process to you. If they sound confident and understand what your needs are then you may have found a good attorney. Am even better attorney will be an investor and may just ask you about some of the deals you are finding!
After that conversation is done throw them a curve ball with the IEE! Show them the Investor Disclosure Statement, show them purchase agreements you plan to use or ask for one that his/her office uses for Real Estate transactions.
Don't Forget!! Asking one Attorney will not get you a passing grade, you may have to ask 20 or more attoreys before you find one that you want to work with!
Quad City Real Estate Investors Association
Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.
Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950
Don't be surprised that people wouldn't be interested in teaching what they know. That guy was probably flattered that you picked him to learn from. I feel that MOST people are good people and want to help others. Of course there are those that are self centered and selfish but you wouldn't want to learn from them anyway.
I know there are a few people who have suscribed to this thread. Has anyone done their homework and asked questions to attorneys, realtor, brokers, etc.?
This is the best way to help eachtother with getting past the fear of even asking questions to professionals.
How many times has someone seen a new post on this website with a question of "Is it legal to assign contracts in my state?" My answer is to talk to a real estate attorney. While you are there in his/her office talk to them about double closings, show them the IEE strategy and see if they like it hate or need to modify it for your state. Maybe that attorney is well seasoned and has clients that buy real estate and offers to let those clients know when you have a deal!
So here is a question to ask an attorney.
"Can I do an assignment of contract with real estate purchase contract, if so how can I make sure that I correctly fill out the contract?"
If you find an attorney that is happy to help you then keep on talking to them and keep asking questions, if the attorney sounds annoyed then just thank them for their time and call up the next one.
Quad City Real Estate Investors Association
Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.
Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950
I am just starting out and just finished reading one of dean's books. I am excited but I do not know where to start. I sent out letters to real estate brokers and one of them got back to me but what next I'm a little confused because I do not have a buyers list yet. PLEASE HELP!!!!!! please email me rattana53@****.
Thank you all above for stating your fears. I find it encouraging to know that there are equally as many out there who fear as I do,yet who are willing to take the first steps forward. Reminds me of my first bike ride. If you keep pedaling you will move forward, stay still and you can only go nowhere! So let us pledge to do something, everyday, towards that goal, be it as little as 15 minutes work. One day I'll succeed and the first thing I will do is help others who felt as fearful as I do now, but were willing to take action.
Can't wait to fulfill a biblical proverb; :Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it"-Prov.3:27
I have been reading every book I can get on realestate investing. I having been informing my friends and co workers of my intentions. I have been driving around neighborhoods. Have a made a deal yet? No. However, I am building my team. Understanding what the market is like. Getting some names to add to my buyers and sellers list. This is a process. I am making steps forward, not leaps and bounds, but steps. When I find that great deal, I will have all the pieces in place. These pieces also build confidence. I thank my DG family for the insight. If it seems to over whelming to make leaps and bounds, then take a few steps.