I'm flipping a house from 2,500 miles away

I'm flipping a house from 2,500 miles away

I have a girl in Salisbury Maryland I'm helping, Her name is Shauntee Murphy, she found a junk property from another wholesaler, he got it for 6K and added his 6K on it, we then added our 12K on it and are running ads in the nearby cities, we got our first call tonight, sounds like a serious cash buyer. He's asking lots of questions and wants to see the house. Wudnt that be a kick in the ass if I cud pull this off from 2,500 miles away? And we all make 6K each...
The house is really trashed, bad roof, rain came in and ceilings collapsed. We are asking 26K and the after repair value is about 120K

I'm also helping a girl in New York, maybe these girls can get each other motivated to find more.

I'm really proud of her, she found it and reached out for some help... At first I didn't think much of the deal cuz I knew ther was another wholesaler involved and why cudnt he sell it? Then I started looking at the neighborhood of nice homes and the values and thought, wait a minute, don't kick the dog out, this looks like a good deal.

I helped a Realtor flip a property in Alaska from Florida last year, I didn't make any money cuz I didn't think we cud pull it off, she made $13,000 if I remember correctly. All I got was an email thanking me, but, that was payment enuf.
I'm gonna start recruiting more bird dogs in other states, I know, it's insane.
Let's make some Money.....




He sold it

It has taken a month, seems longer to get this Salisbury fixer sold. It's in really bad condition, nice neighborhood with an After Repair Value about 110-120K
Has an old roof that let in tons of rain water, sheetrock ceiling coming down, ruining everything.
We had to lower our price. The bird dog and I will make $3,000 each, the wholesaler that found it gets $6,000 ( He wudnt budge on his fee)
Seller gets $6,000, It's an inherited property and he's happy to get anything.
Break down, 6K to seller, 6K to Wholesaler and 3K each for my finder and I. Buyer gets it for $18,000
It will probably take 40-50K to get this house in shape.
If it goes thru, it's bragging rights, flipping a junker from 2,500 miles away. And making a good chunk of pocket change to boot.
Let's make some Money

